Albtraumhafte Leere
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Albtraumhafte Leere
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Card Text:
Ein Spieler deiner Wahl zeigt die Karten auf seiner Hand offen vor. Bestimme eine Karte davon. Dieser Spieler wirft diese Karte ab.
Ausgraben 2 (Falls du eine Karte ziehen würdest, kannst du stattdessen genau zwei Karten oben von deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof legen. Falls du dies tust, bringe diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück. Ziehe sonst eine Karte.)
All Sets:
Ravnica: City of Guilds (Uncommon)
Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari (Uncommon)
Card Number:
2/1/2014 If you target yourself with this spell, you must reveal your entire hand to the other players just as any other player would.
1/12/2024 Dredge can replace any card draw, not only the one during your draw step.
1/12/2024 If an effect puts a card into your hand without specifically using the word "draw," you're not drawing a card. Dredge can't replace this event.
1/12/2024 One card draw can't be replaced by multiple dredge abilities.
1/12/2024 You can't attempt to use a dredge ability if you don't have enough cards in your library.
1/12/2024 Once you've announced that you're applying a card's dredge ability to replace a draw, players can't take any actions until you've put that card into your hand and milled cards.
1/12/2024 If you're drawing multiple cards, each draw is performed one at a time. For example, if you're instructed to draw two cards and you replace the first draw with a dredge ability, another card with a dredge ability (including one that was milled by the first dredge ability) may be used to replace the second draw.
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