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Community Rating: 4.221 / 5  (34 votes)
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This card is epic. It never plays as less than a 6/6 in mono-black, and a 6/6 flier for 6 is above-par. But it grows. When it attacks, it will probably be 7/7. Put Shade's Form on it and the game ends very quickly. This was the first really good card I got, and it has a place in my heart along with shiny Thorn Elemental. This is the best-illustrated version of this around, by the way. 5/5
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (3/1/2010 6:27:10 PM)


Her 7th art doesn't suck. That's proof of Nightmare's awesomeness right there.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (7/12/2011 12:47:29 AM)



Nightmare is a horse because in the 1st ed. AD&D Monster Manual it's a horse. And Gygax got the idea, in part, from Fuseli's painting "The Nightmare." In fact, D&D was a massive influence on the Alpha of Magic. it slays me how people don't know these things.
Posted By: Morgaledh (8/26/2012 2:21:39 PM)


@Morgaledh: Oh, of course. That's the entire reason. Etymology has nothing to do with it. You know - the part where a "mare" is a female horse.
Posted By: Renasce (5/2/2013 6:02:50 AM)


Nightmare the nightmare indeed
Posted By: pedrodyl (8/1/2011 5:40:00 AM)


I could never understand why Nightmare is a flying horse. Maybe Carl Critchlow is afraid of horses.
Posted By: vantha (6/18/2012 9:47:41 PM)


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