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Community Rating: 4.022 / 5  (138 votes)
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now that white can virtually run 8 o-rings in a deck, I think the game could really benefit from some enchantment removal outside of green and white. Don't ask me how I reconcile this with the color wheel, I just want some blue ammo against white's rising dominance as the control color.
Posted By: dgregory (9/27/2009 7:19:35 PM)


This won me a game I just played on MTGO when I used it on Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.
Posted By: Eved (7/12/2010 9:42:14 AM)


I love how Wizard's way of fixing the slight underpowered presence of white was to keep printing overpowered white cards and shafting blue in the process. This card further makes a strong case that white is getting a little too ahead of the other colors, what with the insane soldiers in M10 and the crazy amount of good stuff in Zendikar.
Posted By: Oleander (9/28/2009 8:48:44 AM)


It's like Oblivion Ring, but restricted to creatures, therefore it costs 1 less.

I like that card. And especially the artwork. Reminds me of AWOL! Coincidence? :D
Posted By: Mode (9/25/2009 4:27:47 PM)


It's better than pacifism, at least. Still, killing planeswalkers is what ORing is for.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (9/26/2009 10:06:11 AM)


I don't know why people are complaining about the power level of this card...

-This is strong against Black and Red. They have trouble dealing with enchantments.
-This is weak against Green, White and Blue. They all have removal of some kind.
-Removing creatures with 'Entering/Leaving the Battlefield' abilities are risky... (I wouldn't want to cast this on a titan in fear of it being disenchanted)
-Unlike Pacifism, if this is disenchanted by your opponent on their turn, their creature comes back with summoning sickness and can't attack.
-This prevents creatures from activating abilities.

If you are getting beat by this card, then you are not protecting your creatures enough. This card is just a little bit better than a pacifism. If you can't protect your threats/bombs/win conditions from removal and you have no way of destroying this enchantment, then frankly, you deserve to get your ass kicked.
Posted By: dberry02 (12/16/2010 3:38:23 AM)


An O-Ring with a lower CMC??? Huh...
Posted By: Jokergius (9/25/2009 3:51:06 PM)


What a bull$hit Oracle ruling, allowing this card to contradict its own words. *rolleyes*
Posted By: reapersaurus (4/19/2010 10:32:57 AM)


They should just call this Journey to Jersey...
Posted By: Capo (12/1/2010 9:25:15 PM)


Tell me this, Isn't this card a spell when it comes on to the stack? If it is then it wouldn't effect Emrakul, the Aeons Torn till it became a permant, then it would cancel out because he is protected by colored spells meaning everything that is cast not just instants/soceries?
Posted By: Nessachan91 (10/18/2010 12:36:23 PM)


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