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Community Rating: 3.109 / 5  (101 votes)
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You pay to tap... but that's a LOT of mana.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (1/31/2009 8:42:39 AM)


Yeah -- 3 for 1 isn't a bad trade.
Posted By: bigdave0908 (3/17/2009 7:44:31 AM)


This card takes the definition of mana ramp to a whole new level.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/28/2009 6:42:35 PM)


Eh, he's alright. It is a bit difficult to play. And nine times out of ten if I have the right manna on turn three and have to choose between him and the Wooly Thoctar that are both in my hand, I choose the thoctar. But a good way to ensure this dude and good manna availability is to play Lush Growth on turn one. Nuff said. Plus you get a nice little bonus if you can play a Wild Nacatl on turn 2 after playing the enchantment.
Posted By: cadenblade (1/19/2010 8:54:29 PM)


I'd have to agree with Laguz, haha I thought wow this card is amazing when I first looked at it, but when I saw that it cost RGW to play, I thought man does this card make you think that it's really fixing mana when it isn't at all. But it is a good accelerator, so for that I give it a 3
Posted By: EvilCleavage (3/31/2010 11:05:24 PM)


I really like this guy, I've used him to get Rith, the Awakeber out on turn 4
Posted By: Superllama12 (2/11/2011 9:10:12 PM)


Yes this guy can fix (and excel) your mana if you cast it with the help of Manamorphose, Prismatic Omen, Birds of Paradise or Druid of the Anima...
Posted By: nimzo (5/25/2011 9:49:33 AM)


ugh, it drives me insane seeing people be like "this card's colors are wierd" or, "too impractical/hard to use". uhm. guys. it's green. and only costs 3. has everyone forgotten Green Sun's Zenith??? this thing mana fixes like a god and might as well have its ability errata'd to be called "Naya Ritual".
Posted By: Megapossum (1/1/2012 11:14:50 PM)



While this card requires access to every color it produces if you consider playing this then any other land you suddenly have access to {R}{R}{G}{G}{W}{W}. To have access to more colored mana than your available lands suggest is the very definition of mana fixing.
Posted By: TheGoodDoctor20 (1/7/2012 8:10:16 PM)


Why is there a rock in that tree?
Posted By: Gako (1/30/2012 5:39:33 PM)


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