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Community Rating: 4.081 / 5  (93 votes)
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It sucked in Masks, and it sucks now. If I'm paying life for removal, it better be reusable.
Posted By: blindthrall (4/27/2010 2:44:06 PM)


yeah, this destroys any red deck wins
Posted By: oolam (4/25/2010 2:52:21 PM)


Maybe It was good in Mercadian Masques, but now it's just a joke (damn you path to exile !).
Posted By: True_Smog (4/28/2010 7:26:43 AM)


I use this in my Near-Death Experience deck. Combine it with Wall of Faith to lose exactly the right amount of life.
Posted By: kanguilla (7/21/2010 7:06:06 AM)


The best part is that nobody ever sees this coming at a Ball Lightning
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (4/23/2010 9:43:47 PM)


Pay 8 life to get rid of Ulamog's Crusher? Still worth it.
Posted By: badmalloc (5/20/2010 12:20:38 PM)


If you don't vendetta the crusher it's prolly gonna end up killing you in a couple turns anyways. Some people have very limited perspectives. 8 life or unanswered 8/8 with annihilator 2? hmm... 4.5/5 in limited 3.5/5 in constructed.
Posted By: KnockK (5/25/2010 2:01:18 AM)


Tournament winner, and possibly the best removal in Roe limited, as Florian Koch proved in his recent PT win. Would probably have been blacks best removal ever if it didnt have the non-black clause restriction but just the life loss (which can be mitigated with correct play, much like Vendetta's distant cousin Swords to Plowshares), due to its sleek 1cmc cost and instant speed.
Posted By: SlickDragon (5/30/2010 5:01:57 AM)


If it lost the non-black restriction itd be wonderous but as it is i still run four alongside some nighthawks to counter the loss of life
Posted By: TheSwarm (8/19/2010 11:03:48 AM)


This card has it ups and downs...

the 1 black mana + instant for destroying a creature can be way more intresting than the 2 mana Doomblade or Smother. If you are playing a fast agro deck, that need its maximum mana in casting its creatures. and can't afford to spend more than 1 at the start.

I actually prefere this card over Doomblade/Smother in a deck that is build around Kalastria Highborn and the cheap vampires. where I use it mainly to destroy the 1 or maximum 2 toughness creatures, and have enough mana for the Gatekeeper of Malakir + Kicker Cost. I dont use too much lands in the deck and all possible fetch lands. so the chance to get 4 or more mana is low. and I compensate it with this card.
yes it cost me some life, but I get that back with the Kalastria Highborn ability. and the lifelink creatures.

If your deck can afford the 2 mana for the doomblades, because your deck is slower. dont bother with this card. This card is build for speed and gives you the possibility f... (see all)
Posted By: Toversnol (11/28/2010 3:08:20 AM)


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