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Community Rating: 3.960 / 5  (210 votes)
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This guy and Duty-Bound Dead or knight of infamy would get along just fine.


Posted By: DM3921 (10/14/2013 9:48:03 PM)


You're the reason I like Vapor Snag
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (10/31/2013 1:29:09 PM)


Dies to 2 Hornet Stings.
Posted By: Totema (1/31/2014 12:57:54 AM)


Doesn't even die to Victim of Night or Terminate. Go for the Throat is your best bet.
Posted By: Continue (2/1/2014 8:00:10 AM)


I use this with Blasphemous Act and Kessig Wolf Run in my green ramp deck.
Posted By: GoOrmot2Go (3/20/2014 2:46:36 PM)


For a while I didn't get this card. I only ever seemed to pull it when playing against two particular friends that only really used red, white and Boros at the time. So it was a pretty decent card, I'd be giving them 2 poison counters a turn if I somehow couldn't find a buffing equipment or aura for him.
But then it went up against a green 3/3 and I realized how awesome first strike and infect go together. His creature became a 1/1, then dealt damage to my 2/2 so of course it survived.

There are so many things this guy can avoid dying from; he's perfect in my BUG Infect buff/unblockable deck.
Posted By: ThatChrisFella (3/29/2014 2:08:20 PM)


Interesting interaction between Infect and First Strike - if this gets blocked by something with 3 power, it survives due to it weakening the blocker before it can hit back. That interaction makes it quite the creature to pump - with +6/+6, it survives Emrakul.
Posted By: r2d2go (4/21/2014 6:51:17 PM)


I'm looking for the best 3 drop creature for mono black legacy. Pro red and white is a huge deal in this format. Infect is what ruins this package. If it had wither instead I'd run 4 hands down. :( if you run him now you have to dedicate cards to pump his power, 5 turn clock is too slow in legacy, especially when the rest of your deck is doing damage not poison.
Posted By: Silence9 (4/27/2014 10:21:33 PM)


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