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the only thing I don't like about this card is the art -
not that it's bad, just that it seems really mismatched to the card:
I just don't really associate Jace with Vedalken much,
AND don't Vedalken usually have four arms?
I guess I wish it was more 'mystical' and less 'technological' or something, more Mind Sculpter-esque and less Star Trek.
Otherwise - this is pretty exciting in Standard - I think it will find a good slot in Blue soon, just wait for it. And in EDH- it's a repeatable (and broken) effect attached to a creature - that's kind of the definition of good cards!
Posted By: PastProphet (7/17/2011 4:12:42 PM)


This actually seems like a balanced version of Windfall. I don't think it will be format defining, and the main reason is obviously because it's a creature and is therefore affected by summoning sickness. Although I love me some Windfall, you can't abuse this nearly as much because its also much more stopable this time around. In Standard you cannot get 3 mana on turn 1, making this a 3 drop (or a 2 drop if you're ramping), in which case you are susceptible to cards like Mana Leak, Into The Roil, Go For The Throat, Beast Within, Incinerate, Dispatch, and Oblivion Ring. All before he would be able to use his ability. And yes I felt the need to name cheap removal for each color, just to show that your opponent will not be defenseless to this little guy.

Will he be good? Yes. He reminds me a lot of ... (see all)
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/18/2011 6:25:33 AM)


Underworld Dreams? Liliana's Caress? yes please!
Posted By: Revelation666 (7/20/2011 1:22:44 AM)


Jace's Memory Adpet -7 ability, Jace's Erasure, and this
Posted By: Riki1232 (8/9/2011 2:00:55 AM)


Would this card work with Words of Waste? As in, would each opponent have to discard their hands, draw X cards, then discard those cards?
Posted By: Gamma_Guy (8/9/2011 3:46:01 PM)


Zombie Infestation and similar cards will enjoy an opponent with a full hand.
Posted By: tcollins (8/12/2011 12:58:23 AM)


I have a question:

Who would win in this situation?

Say I have 5 cards in hand and 4 in deck. My opponent has none in hand and 3 in deck. I activate Jace's Archivist's activated ability. We discard our hands and have to draw to 5. Do I win because I draw a fourth card when my opponent can't?
Posted By: starfox444 (9/2/2011 8:17:15 AM)


Time Reversal into this with a Consecrated Sphinx out for 63 card draw mill-suicide. Throw in a Psychosis Crawler to take your opponent down screaming.

Of course, if you have a Platinum Angel on the table that'd be a whole different story.
Posted By: Neohamster84 (9/7/2011 1:16:47 PM)


Works wonders with Blue Sun's Zenith
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/18/2011 9:05:18 PM)


Ok, that does it. I'm calling it right here, right now:

Blue Black Green or Blue Black White Zombie self mill Flashback discard Graveyard Reanimator DISGUSTING amount of C.A. deck will rape Standard when Innistrad comes out.

You have been warned. Cards that attack the graveyard won't help. They will just be sideboard fodder for Undead.dec against the mirror. Wizards has really, really done it this time. Like, Charlie Brown "GOOD GRIEF!" levels of done it.

Sword of Feast and Famine may find itself playing second fiddle to Sword of Body and Mind. Yeah, that really might actually be the world we find ourselves living in. Wow.
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/21/2011 11:33:14 AM)


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