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This with the new Laboratory Maniac is gonna be silly, just shred and draw yourself to death and WIN!
Posted By: Amnesigenic (9/22/2011 9:48:48 AM)


This card is decievingly good. This is an insane win condition in my EDH draw power Experiment Kraj deck. It combos with so much stuff to make it overpowered: Mind Over Matter, Consecrated Sphinx, Psychosis Crawler, Seedborn Muse (Seriously, Windfall every turn is not fun for your opponents), Thousand-Year Elixir - Hell, you could even combo this with Lightning Greaves to not only protect it, but give it haste.

This even combos with Library of Leng!! Since the discard of Jace's Archivist is part of the ability's effect, you could put all the cards you discard on the top of your library and draw them again! Or discard that ones you don't like and keep the ones you do. All at the same time forcing your opponents to draw insane amounts of cards (if your hand is filled with 30+ cards like mine is... (see all)
Posted By: dberry02 (10/4/2011 5:45:14 AM)


Looks nifty. The only issue is potentially giving your opponent more cards than you receive (Since you're playing blue, this is likely).

Of course this is assuming that your graveyard isn't being used as a resource. Gotta love Innistrad.
Posted By: Studoku (10/9/2011 4:20:27 PM)


Jace's Erasure+Consecrated Sphinx+Copperhorn Scout and this=win

End turn (A) with 7 cards, on your opponents draw step, you draw 2, they top deck 2
On turn (B) you draw, they top deck, activate Jace's Archivist's ability, discarding 10, they discard whatever they have. You draw 10, they draw 10/top deck 10, and because they drew 10, you can draw 30, attack with the scout, untapping Jace's Archivist, re-use the ability discarding 30 cards, they discard the 10 they have, and draw 30, you can draw up to 90 cards, making them top-deck up to 90

Anything wrong with this strategy?
Posted By: cptobvious514 (10/11/2011 11:15:05 PM)


This card is redic. I run it in a casual Splinterfright deck as it fills up my yard nicely. I love activating it during the opponent's draw phase right before the phase ends. That way, they have an extra card in hand, which usually means that I'll have an extra card too.
Posted By: neerajman (10/18/2011 6:41:37 AM)


Finally, Jace gets his own creature. I like to suggest that we name another creature for Jace, like Chandra with her spitfire and phoenix. I say let's change hedron crab into Jace's Krabby.
Posted By: jumpenrun (11/11/2011 7:44:40 PM)


He's married to Sangromancer.
Posted By: Kydoon (11/16/2011 8:50:40 PM)


Re- The Art.. It's the Vedalken reinactment of Iron Man! Go ahead, tell yourself that's not Robert Downey Jr. in the basement of his casa messin round on his super-cool holographic computers!!
Posted By: Mike-C (3/4/2012 7:42:33 AM)


I'm wondering how this would work with Psychosis Crawler.

Since you have to discard your hand, wouldn't that turn him into a 0/0 and kill him?

If someone could clear this up, that'd be awesome.
Posted By: GlassJoetheChamp (3/4/2012 6:26:44 PM)



Activating this card won't kill a Psychosis Crawler.

A creature dies when it has 0 toughness as a state-based action, which are not checked while a spell or ability is resolving. While in the middle of resolving the ability, the Crawler doesn't even bother to check its power and toughness; it waits patiently until the whole thing resolves, then it sees your current hand size, sets it P/T, and notices that you've just drawn some cards and begins bleeding your opponent dry.


Unless you have more cards in your deck than they do in theirs, something like an Elixir of Immortality or a second Jace's Erasure, you will lose the game by drawing from an empty library before they do.
Posted By: 304 (4/9/2012 1:48:44 AM)


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