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Community Rating: 3.756 / 5  (43 votes)
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Possibly the best of the old-school poison counter creatures. 2G is not a terrible cost for a 2/2. The older poison counter cards (from Legends and The Dark) were much worse.
Posted By: Technetium (5/6/2013 10:56:25 AM)


Or just put an aura or equipment on it that allows it to ping? It doesn't say COMBAT damage.

If you can find a way to do it repeatedly, you could win very fast.
Posted By: Three_of_Nineteen (6/18/2013 9:01:29 AM)



Your untap step is before your upkeep.
Posted By: LaserfaceJones (2/23/2014 4:08:56 PM)


Question: If this card does player damage on successive turns, would the opponent still only get 1 poison counter on the next upkeep if 2 mana weren't paid? Or do they get 1 poison counter for each instance of damage? What about if you have 2 Sabertooth Cobra? If each cobra does damage on the same turn, would the upkeep cost be 4 to prevent 2 poison counters?
Posted By: chuckitup (5/16/2014 1:17:39 PM)


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