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Community Rating: 3.903 / 5  (31 votes)
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Why isn't this rated higher? It thins your deck and puts a land into play. Civic Wayfinder only puts the card in your hand, although it can be any basic land.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (2/13/2011 1:04:49 PM)


Although the mana acceleration is nice, a 1/1 for {3} is still a bit underwhelming. That said though it does give you mana acceleration and a creature all rolled up into one.. which is often hard to come by. Also note that the forest doesn't have to be a basic land, and you could use it to search for the duals lands like Temple Garden or Stomping Ground in a dual-coloured deck.
Posted By: tcollins (2/13/2012 1:58:17 AM)


Would be nice if this was 1/2, but this form of mana acceleration is nice.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/10/2010 1:49:03 AM)


You can go for Civic Wayfinder for a beefier creature, or getting any basic you like. Of course, then it comes into play tapped.
Posted By: littlebeast (4/20/2010 1:25:40 AM)


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