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Community Rating: 4.500 / 5  (112 votes)
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Use this card with infect, lifelink, commander damage, or double strike. Can be an instant kill.
Posted By: RowanKeltizar (5/9/2012 6:42:06 PM)


5/5. Great card. Better flavour text. Especially "fun" when running in a Suicide Infect deck. Well...fun for me.
Posted By: RecurringMemories (1/20/2013 12:14:39 PM)


In EDH, this song goes through my head when I play this/am played against:


Alternative flavour-text: "You open your mouth again, I swear I'm going to break it.
You open your mouth again... My god, I can not take it"
Posted By: Sven_Untgaarde (1/25/2013 6:40:16 AM)


Play this with a lifelink creature? A double strike creature? Both?
Posted By: Existential (2/3/2013 12:53:34 PM)


Channel + Fireball was thought too powerful, but Any Attacking Creature + Hatred amounts to the same effect. So, why did they ban Channel again? Too good for Green, but just right for any other color?
Posted By: DrJack (9/17/2013 8:32:00 PM)


this was part of my first turn kill deck.

play a swamp or mountain, mox diamond, 2 dark rituals, raging goblin and hatred.
i loved playing first and killing my opponent before he had a chance to mulligan. it worked one out of every 20 times, one of the most satisfying combos i ever came up with.
Posted By: TheRealSauce (11/14/2013 2:29:55 PM)


Apparently Oloro hates anything, anywhere, anytime. If I was an ageless giant who did nothing but sit in a chair all day I suppose I'd hate a lot of stuff too.
Posted By: Osprey_93 (11/19/2013 2:18:56 PM)


'qq wahhhhh overcosted. blah blah blah'
Not in an environment where Dark Ritual and Culling the Weak are present.

'but then if your opponent Stp, bolt, or bounces....'
Most Hatred Decks run a set of Unmask and/or Duress so with even minimal effort you can KNOW weather or not you opponent has such effects at the ready, and in most cases, you can nullify them.

And last but not least, this card DOES age well. with the new 1cmc zombies (Diregraf Ghoul, and Gravecrawler)go well in this deck type, and the addition of Pact of Negation is a THIRD answer to 'combo breaker' cards like FoW.
Posted By: nunyaJs (12/1/2013 11:42:02 PM)


use on a creature with spirit link, lifelink, vampiric link, or a similar life gain (e.g. vampire nighthawk; baneslayer angel; tainted sigil)to stay alive in a multiplayer game or even, kill another player with something like sanguine bond.
Posted By: raptorman333 (2/24/2014 11:25:19 AM)


@MithosFall: Since forever. Read the damn card.
Posted By: Continue (2/27/2014 7:14:25 AM)


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