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I love how long it took me to realize it also has Dredge. I thought that was the spot for the flavor text...
Posted By: Kelptic183 (7/5/2012 8:34:33 PM)


Tokens, Werewolves (and other transform cards), Morph creatures, etc..

Consider proliferate, graft, Spike creatures, and other counter manipulation techniques (think artifacts) to control him into a very reusable sweep. Also consider the new Slitherhead

That said I normally just let him die and then kill all tokens when they get out of hand again...

In pure dredge, he works well with Shambling Shell.
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/27/2013 9:59:17 AM)


Guru Ghave teaches this guy to blow up stuff of any CC.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (7/18/2013 4:45:43 PM)


Really fun with Scavenging cards. Throw Slitherheads on it to stop it from killing itself, and potentially doing some targeted board removal.
Posted By: Zebra_Lord (8/7/2013 8:58:46 AM)


I thought I searched for all cards that added counters when I made my Ghave EDH deck... How did I miss this????!!!! That's an unbelievable oversight. Necroplasm seems amazing.
It was made with an odd CMC because it was in-set with Doubling Season.
I think this is probably TOO strong with Ghave. I don't want to maximize the power of my Commander decks, having decks too powerful for the metagame is almost as bad as having them too weak. I'd like this in a selfmill graveyard-matters deck, with Nighthowler, Splinterfright, Ghoultree... Maybe I'll make it a compound names deck. :^)
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (10/21/2013 5:45:25 PM)


You can use him in a Mimeoplasm build to snipe certain CMC's at your end step ;)
Also, it's true what they say, he kills tokens dead!
Posted By: Petertracy (11/21/2013 5:09:53 AM)


give it darksteel plate and watch it grow!

... actually thats not so interesting...

...kinda misses the points after 10 turns...

turn 15: DIE, EMRAKUL!
Posted By: O0oze (1/17/2014 6:13:30 AM)


The irony of following up with your opponent's aether vial provided you have a way to give it an additional +1/+1 counter before he @ssplodes himself
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (3/24/2014 1:59:33 AM)


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