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Community Rating: 2.327 / 5  (49 votes)
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Some more fun stuff you can do with this:

- Reality Acid for repeated removal.
- Fists of Ironwood for repeated saprolings.
- Flight of Fancy for repeated card drawing.
- Coiling Oracle for repeated cards and land.
- Eternal Witness for repeated graveyard recursion.
- Sage of Epityr for repeated deck stacking.
- Bouncing lands for Landfall.
- Bouncing planeswalkers low on loyalty.

There are so, so many more. The fact that you can return any permanent means this will only get better as there are more and more cards to play with. It's fairly expensive for a creature with no evasion, but it begs to be used as an engine for something.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/8/2013 1:11:14 PM)


A lot of what these are getting compared to is cards that bounce *creatures*.

Being able to bounce permanents not only opens up a ton of more combos, but ensures that you're unlikely to be forced to bounce this guy back to your hand if you're out of other creatures, which is a huge difference between this and Roaring Primadox or Species Gorger for example, both of which get rated much higher even though they can easily be forced to bounce themselves for major tempo loss (and are both unable to pull off the combos this guy can).

Enter/exit the battlefield creatures will love this guy; but so will landfall-based permanents, permanents that use up charge counters, enchantments that lock down enemy creatures (eg Claustrophobia), and so much more.

4/4 is a respectable body as well, and merfolk and rogue are both supported creature types. Good casual combo card.
Posted By: Stuflames (1/27/2014 11:06:28 AM)


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