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I am very suprised. Aaron should better know that in constructed play what makes a creature playable vs unplayable is the cost of activation for their abilities. an even a relatively low cost like a single mana is a huge barrier as you want to optimize your mana every turn.
Posted By: seydaneen (10/7/2010 7:03:15 AM)


equip him with gift of the deity, and so long as he has a -1/-1, he is not a tank, he is a walking engine of armageddon.
Posted By: darkfury (10/10/2009 5:47:37 PM)


a 5/5 trample for 5 mana, that can regenarate itself twice for {S/F} and only gets bigger in the process?
Posted By: needwater97 (10/17/2012 3:37:58 PM)


I appreciate reading these random comments, as they've given me some insight on how cards are looked at from R&D.

But you mentioned Deity of Scars not making it into Constructed and how he could only fit into mono Green or mono Black or a Green/Black deck. A friend of mine and I pooled our cards together and tried to submit a rogue deck to a PTQ (or was it States?) in Indianapolis. The deck was a B/R/G deck using Manaforge Cinder and Bloom Tender so that on turn 3 you can tap for 3 mana. The deck played 4 copies of Reflecting Pool and then played the B/G B/R and G/R "quints." It also played Cloudthresher to stop Faeries.

The deck's goal was between the filter-lands, reflecting pool, Manaforge's ability, and Bloomtender, turn 3 you had 6 mana available to you, in any color combination of GGGGGG RRRRRR or BBBBBB. Unfortunately we got shut down and dropped after losing ... (see all)
Posted By: sungkwon (10/7/2010 12:37:38 AM)


Regenerating 5/5 or 6/6 for 5 hybrid. This isn't the new Spiritmonger, but it is very much in the same vein.
Posted By: Treima (5/8/2009 6:17:20 AM)


is it just me or does he look like a big lorwyn elf?
(so this is what happens when a giant and an elf do it together --- how perverted)
Posted By: GengilOrbios (6/1/2011 2:17:41 PM)


i like it
Posted By: 9sheild21 (10/10/2010 8:10:38 PM)


nice i cant wait to use this guy

Posted By: MagicStick (6/12/2009 4:18:49 PM)


TERMENATE him God_of_Destruction? You obviously didn't read his last ability. Just regenerate and make him stronger, then attack and trample down that Demigod of Revenge to the graveyard, Then use rise from the grave and hit you in your ass with your own spirit avatar!
Posted By: powerdude (11/24/2009 6:00:41 PM)


TERMINATE him and let Demigod of Revenge rule all of the spirit avatars...
Posted By: God_of_Destruction (6/27/2009 11:28:53 PM)


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