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On its own it's merely graveyard hate, but it has good synergy with Surge Node, Vedalken Infuser, Golem Artisan and all the splicers. In the right deck it can pump out a threatening creature for 2 every turn.
Posted By: Iktomi (5/17/2011 3:23:22 AM)



I would say Resistance FOM and Mirrodin have very little alike in reality.

Resistance is WWII earth being invaded by aliens called the Chimera. They convert humans and other creatures into their own kind, so their title is very appropriate.

For Mirrodin, the reason they're converting anything is because a lot of the cultures or beings on Mirrodin prize metal more than flesh and bone; makes sense since the majority of the planet is metal. Phyrexia plans on dominating the world and converting everything into "beautifully efficient" metal creatures.

Since this is merely converting artifacts into golems, it's almost like melting down your equipment or silly little whatevers to make into a big golem. The fun part here is that you can exile enemy artifacts from their graveyard to shut down whatever strategy they may have planned on or were already using.
Posted By: Deepfried-Owls (5/19/2011 11:38:39 PM)


So it takes dead artifacts and smooshes them into golems. Interesting...
Posted By: Sago (9/30/2012 8:00:52 PM)


Not the worst. It DOES perform some sort of recycling, and functions as reusable graveyard hate for troublesome artifacts. Just not really all that effective for its costs.

Golem Foundry is much more effective, I think. The ability is free after it comes out and you're going to be artifacting anyway, in the right deck. Much cheaper, and doesn't tap or require mana. Both also work well with proliferate.
Posted By: NARFNra (6/17/2013 11:34:02 PM)


If we're being fair, it's pretty easy to add Charge Counters to things without using their inherent ability. This then produces a 3/3 for 5, 2 3/3s for 7, 3 3/3s for 9; which aren't the worst numbers ever when considering how they're on a payment plan and being separate permanents. You can't expect too efficient a token producer at {3} anyway.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/3/2014 4:34:29 PM)


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