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Community Rating: 4.285 / 5  (65 votes)
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This card is so much fun with Mana Web. Since they have to pay during the declare attackers phase, they generally won't be able to attack and cast spells on the same turn. For extra fun, of course, you combine it with something that makes them pay during their upkeep.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/11/2013 5:48:06 PM)


In almost all situations, unless they aren't playing creatures (They probably are. You'd only use this for casual play), they're going to pay a minimum of 2 after you've played this. Either they're attacking with just one creature, or they're playing Naturalize/ something of the sort. One way or another, they're now going to have to go around it. It can mean the difference of whether they can hard-cast Kozilek, Butcher of Truth.

In most situations, though, you'll make them pay more. There are usually more permanents that deserve more hate. I've seen people playing something like Woodfall Primus, just to remove something small like Bloodchief Ascension because it had 1 counter on it... while Grave Pact was out (In retrospect, it was probably more wise). In short, they spent 5GreenGreenGreen to remove something that cost Black. That's not too out-of-the-ordinary.

So one way or another, you're going to make your opponents pay more mana than they need to.
Posted By: Ferlord (9/6/2013 7:13:07 AM)


Combos with Propaganda.
Posted By: MithosFall (3/5/2012 8:56:33 PM)


I was really hoping for some new, less character-specific art for this one, but the new frame is more than fine with me. I have ordered my playset and I am content. They are going right in my Edric, Spymaster of Trest teamplay deck.
Posted By: Discoduck (6/16/2011 3:31:26 PM)


I've always loved the art, the flavor text, and what the card itself does. Now I get to experience it all with a fresh new border? I weep tears of joy.
Posted By: scumbling1 (6/28/2011 6:43:41 PM)


It's one of those cards that looks good on paper (no pun intended), but is less helpful in an actual 1-on-1 game. For example, exalted decks, burn decks, and control decks all make this card useless. Now, don't get me wrong, it's still a good card with lots of combos (for example, Norn's Annex), but it doesn't deserve a 5/5.
Posted By: ridiculousricky (6/20/2011 6:28:16 AM)


This is one of many enchantments I run in in my EDH deck. I also have Karn Liberated in there. Although the two cards don't necessarily combo together in their effects, I love the irony of having a combo of Karn Liberated right next to Karn Incarcerated.
Posted By: TheMurderousKitten (7/5/2011 10:59:48 AM)


Karn has been my second favorite 'walker since Time Spiral..
Too bad this has been printed outside of standard.. I would have liked to use it.
Posted By: BastianQoU (7/22/2011 12:07:29 AM)


Everyone assumes this is the all-time aggro beater but actually, this card shuts Dredge down better. As for the new Mana-less Dredge deck, it's an auto-scoop.
Posted By: Mitch_360 (7/29/2011 10:03:52 PM)


Okay Ghostly Prison is Propaganda. This just another Blue card that has been made white.
Posted By: ZioKai (8/18/2011 2:26:15 AM)


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