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Community Rating: 3.880 / 5  (25 votes)
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Good question. the answer is yes. In the right deck, this card is the s**t. I had a cousin who got me into magic and ran an all color deck with familiars and everything about 7 years ago. In a deck with lots of creatures with protection from different colors, things like "when this creature comes into play, return a (insert color here) creature to your hand," and other, this card is pretty nice. A lot of people have forgotten that in the olden days a ton more cards were color specific, and this card was just one of the engines that made those color specific cards work with all colors.
Posted By: wooded_taint (7/28/2013 7:46:29 PM)


With the introduction of Intimidate as a keyword, this is slightly less bad.
Posted By: Salient (8/17/2013 3:11:03 PM)


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