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Community Rating: 3.645 / 5  (83 votes)
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Oh great, now people will put spells on the stick on legs. Next year, we will put legs on the spell on the stick on legs, and it's all downhill from there...
Posted By: Totema (7/9/2013 5:41:37 PM)


Well this is a highly balanced isochrons scepter. Its a 4 drop creature with only 1 toughness, and to make use you have to ditch an instant card right away. It also has summoning sickness.

Yeah if this guy ever locks a game down I am cool with that. This is high risk, high reward. Isochrons was low risk, high reward, and was a retarded mistake.

This card gets a 4.5/5 from me.
Isochrons scepter gets a .5/5 from me.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/31/2013 6:04:43 PM)


Azorius charm every turn? Why yes, I would like to repeatedly put your most dangerous creature back on top of your library over and over again.

And when I'm not doing that, I would very much like some more lifegain or some new cards, whereas you get none.

Oh wait, Triton tactics is calling me, allowing me to untap you and do more than one of these things each turn.

Sooo many combos.
Posted By: Hawk_of_Battle (11/10/2013 2:29:56 PM)


This and Pemmin's Aura is just silly. Seriously, exiling Lightning Bolt or some other cheap burn spell, and untapping over and over again? It's a bit fragile, but still, great card!
Posted By: xgurdian (7/9/2013 2:41:00 PM)


Seems like a fixed Ishocron Specter that feels really bad if your opponent is able to remove it in time, but will stall the game to epic proportions if they don't.
Posted By: Purplerooster (7/11/2013 11:21:43 AM)


Oh god. So many combos, so little time. Silence would be the ultimate in control, or you could staple a Counterspell of some sort onto him...
Posted By: DaLucaray (7/9/2013 3:45:33 PM)


The 1/1 really kills it. If it were a 1/4 then it could at least do something when it comes into play lie block. It's horrible to have to play this, exile a Render Silent, and get him shocked right after coming into play. Maybe giving him haste somehow, and play him when you can tap him inmediately to use his effect, but then you'd need like 7 mana or so, might as well run Aetherling instead.

Cool idea, unique effect.
But harsh getting it killed after exiling.
Posted By: link3343 (7/10/2013 11:14:44 PM)


@SamKnight: No. Copied spells are still just copied. This card and Chandra copy the card, and then cast the copy.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (7/11/2013 9:56:02 PM)


Can we get some official errata on this exiling split cards. The M14 FAQ said that you would have to add up both converted mana costs of each half and that is what X is equal to. So with far//away exiled, X=5.

That doesn't make sense to me though. The rules state that a split card has 2 characteristics and 2 converted mana costs everywhere other than the stack, unless it is fused. That would mean that if far//away is exiled you should get the choice of X=2 to cast far, or X=3 to cast away. This really needs official errata ASAP because I don't understand why this card would behave differently than every other imprint card that does something similar, but the official FAQ says it does. I think it's a mistake in the FAQ personally.

@emril, honestly I don't even know what to make of it now. I've dug through the comprehensive rules and individual card rulings related to split cards and I just give up. X=the sum of both halves of a split card. Sucks pretty hard.
Posted By: TheRealJayveezy (7/12/2013 1:30:05 PM)


It seems to be a bad version of panoptic mirror, to me.
The mirror:
- is an artifact, so you don't need colored mana
- casts the card for free each turn once it's imprinted
- allows you to imprint several cards, so that you have a choice each turn
- it's an artifact and no creature, which makes it harder to get rid of (and it's especially no 1 toughness creature)
- you can play the mirror and see if people use sorcery speed removal on it, before imprinting a card, so that you don't lose two cards at once
- works on instants AND sorceries

Sure, this guy ain't bad. Well, he is bad. But he is also very slow, and vulnerable, and risks you losing two cards at once, and is very expensive manawise. There also seems to be a huge amount of removal just in 2014 against him. The sliver that pings creatures, the giant that smashes small creatures, the black newt creature, the black -1/-1 effect, various red burn, and probably a dozen other effects.
Posted By: majinara (7/18/2013 5:14:10 AM)


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