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Community Rating: 1.653 / 5  (49 votes)
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Why so serious? I would totally use this guy.
Posted By: BillyBullshot (10/12/2009 10:17:10 AM)


It soaks up a Bolt and survives, if they're not seeing it coming. You essentially paid only two extra life, and ended up with a 3/4. It's not too bad really.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (11/21/2011 4:03:35 PM)


I guess the point of this guy is that it's a 3/4 zombie for three colorless mana, that is likely to cause card disadvantage for your opponent. You play the guy and attack or block without any mana left, and your opponent might block with a 2/2 or 3/3 or whatever assuming that you can't unmorph the guy. Then your guy kills the attacker or blocker. Or survives a shock or lightning bolt.

So, while not a particularily good card, a 3/4 for three mana that might cause an opponent to waste cards is ok, despite the drawback.
Posted By: majinara (12/30/2011 4:40:55 AM)


Also, because the cost is your life, you don't have to worry about having untapped mana or not.
Posted By: GraemeGunn (6/6/2012 3:51:01 PM)


The reason this is what it is is because it can be played early in the game. I actually use the card with Dark Rituals so I get it out turn 1. Within two turns, I've already dealt 6 damage, which is worth the loss of life Plus, it's only common. If any less life were to be taken, it would have been less common. What I like even more is that it's toughness is more than 3 so it can't be destroyed by lightning. It's still not my favorite card, but it can have it's moments.
Posted By: asandberge (6/11/2012 3:39:56 AM)


Used to think this card sucked until I saw it in play. Basically it's a gray ogre with a combat trick that's nigh impossible to play around. Also, ignore the black mana symbols in the upper corner this isn't a black card, it goes in any deck. Sure it was never playable in constructed, but this zombie has always been a reasonable cube pick.
Posted By: Iktomi (8/7/2012 4:33:05 AM)


looks like more of a "zombie cut-your-own-throat" if you ask me.
Posted By: Ogrenoodle89 (9/25/2012 12:48:02 PM)


Nice combo piece for decks looking to reduce their own life total. Convalescent Care comes to mind.
Posted By: Earthdawn (5/7/2013 6:05:28 AM)


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