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Community Rating: 2.355 / 5  (31 votes)
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The torture/hand size I think reflect willpower. I.E if you have the mental fortitude to endure the torture you don't take as much damage (The Rack) or you go stark raving mad and as such endure the torture better, as you are not mentally present enough to appreciate it (Black Vise) It makes sense; no torture rack is going to hurt as much as being flattened by a small dragon physically. A lot of the killing is mental and your card count represents your mental state.
Posted By: Stinga (5/1/2014 8:46:55 PM)


It has to do with "Mental Tolerance" I think; that or showing control over the situation is akin to having control over the opponent/device.
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/2/2014 12:18:10 PM)


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