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maybe the person lorendorky usually plays against really likes Doran and uses it alot...
Posted By: supershawn (6/28/2010 10:25:03 PM)


Almost seems too obvious but... use it as a blocker/attacker in valakut, the molten pinnacle decks
Posted By: lorendorky (7/12/2010 11:41:19 AM)


not to be a jerk but there is so much wrong with that. Distortion strike is a sorcery so you cannot declare attackers first without giving it flash with something like leyline of Anticipation. Even if you were able to hit it with it post attackers since his power and toughness are switched, anything that would boost up his power would instead boost his toughness until end of turn.
Posted By: MrKillington (8/1/2010 3:36:05 AM)


Distortion Strike ftw. Ideally you'd cast it right after declaring attack so that he'd actually get the power boost, though you still wouldn't get it the second time around (since you'd have to recast it during your upkeep).
Edit: whoops, forgot it was a sorcery. But you're wrong on the second part - check the rulings. His P/T only get switched when the ability triggers - afterwards, things that affect them work as normal.
Now here's an interesting situation - let's say you have an Eland Umbra on it, making him a 1/11, and attack, making him 11/1, and then the Umbra is bounced or destroyed. By my reckoning, nothing actually happens and he stays 11/1 until the end of that turn.
Also, would attacking with him trigger Raid Bombardment? I believe it would, since for things that trigger at the same time, you get to choose the order in which they go on the stack, correct?
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/10/2010 6:59:48 PM)


One time I cast Clinging Darkness on this guy when my opponent attacked. But since his toughness became zero as soon as he attacked, he died. Good times.
Posted By: divine_exodus (9/25/2010 4:48:43 PM)


If there was a similar card that had haste or was weaker and cost less, I might be more tempted.

The Goblin Tunneler combo is pretty awesome, though.
Posted By: Gelzo (11/11/2010 3:32:04 AM)


Combos with Fling. Seriously, do people think R&D / WOTC design / print cards like this for no reason?
Posted By: TuffWebz (11/25/2010 10:19:36 AM)


this + assault strobe = epictimez
Posted By: Khultar (1/15/2011 11:03:58 PM)


Super Fortress Cyclops. Vulnerable when attacking, wall-like when blocking.
Posted By: BagOfBags (1/13/2014 2:23:54 PM)


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