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Gives anther creature pseudo-persist. I like.
Posted By: .Blaze. (1/27/2011 1:50:10 PM)


So cool. I love cards that are versatile like this, and there are a lot of 1-toughness things in the limited format where this often kills something. It's not a bad play to kill a mana myr.
Posted By: Maraxas-of-Keld (6/22/2012 8:59:27 PM)


So I read through the rest of the posts, all eluding to the idea that this creature is merely over priced, underpowered, cannon fodder. I still stand by my argument that it is the Gore Vassal which is the creature who regenerates in response. If it were the targeted creature receiving the -1/-1 counter why would they mention the regenerate function. Not to mention, although wizards has been known to be somewhat vague in the past, they have certainly stepped their 'game' up so-to-speak.

If what most people are saying were to be true, the wordage on the card would state, "Sacrifice Gore Vassal: Then, if that creature's toughness is 1 or greater regenerate that creature."

The answer lies in the punctuation of the ability. The comma in this case represents/indicates a second clause independent of the first in the sentence. The it, in the 'then regenerate it', is referring to the only creature prompted to go to the graveyard (the Gore Vassal). What I have been able to surmise from the irr... (see all)
Posted By: Witteee (7/22/2011 11:22:00 AM)


I do realize i must be reading it wrong or something but i read it that you sacrifice it and as long as the target has higher then 1 toughness then gore vassal comes back tapped....i only came on here to wonder if they had changed it to say u need to tap it do do this....but clearly i have read it WAY WRONG
Posted By: SuperJimbob (5/2/2011 4:08:53 AM)


I understand they're trying to make it so Phyrexia can be in every color, but I just don't get the flavor of a lot of these Phyrexian white cards. Especially infect, it all seems so black.
Posted By: Nagoragama (7/17/2011 9:03:48 PM)


The first in the charge to take out Manbearpig.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/29/2013 4:01:04 AM)


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