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Community Rating: 4.041 / 5  (98 votes)
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This really shouldn't be Mythic with some of the mono-green fatties I've seen them pump out... I'd like it at MYTHIC if it had shroud or hexproof or something.
Posted By: WarioMan (7/5/2012 11:43:40 PM)


Seems strange that they would have this and the pretty much strictly worse Duskdale Wurm in the same set.
Posted By: pedrodyl (7/5/2012 3:47:12 PM)


This card exists because green sucks so bad it needs a single card to make it a viable color.
Posted By: PinkMage (7/27/2012 11:08:46 PM)


Sucks, dies to Terminate.
Posted By: Burn_Yo_Momma (8/3/2012 1:34:31 PM)


If you give this guy shroud or hexproof than you can't lose!
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/2/2012 4:02:14 PM)


op as the entire return to ravnica set
however, here are some helpful tips to prevent you from getting upset because this card is dumb
sulfuric vortex
the end.
Posted By: pallymander (10/2/2012 8:56:49 PM)


The number 7 is featured on the card 7000 times!

Ya, when I saw this card for the first time I was lovin the resemblance to Triceratops.
Such a great concept for a wurm.

I love everything about this card's image.

I imagine the setting as being in the deepest part of some ancient jungle-forest. Perhaps he's the guardian of a long-forgotten temple or something of the like. The amount of sunshine filtering through the canopy sheds an awesome light of power upon Elderscale Wurm. You can really feel his immense presence just from looking at him. Despite his size he seems like the type of ancient beast that could easily go unnoticed if he wished to. You could walk by him or over him without realizing it or perhaps he's always got his eye on you no matter where you are in the jungle - watching through the trees from a great distance.

As a playable item, definitely a neat card and I thoroughly enjoy this guy. I like cards that condition your life. Platinum Emperion is another cool creat... (see all)
Posted By: Dragonshoredreamz (6/4/2013 6:42:21 PM)


One of the few Wurms where it's head looks like it belongs on a Wyrm instead of a Worm. I approve.
Posted By: Flyheight (7/5/2012 5:41:19 PM)


I don't like that this leaves you completely vulnrable to life loss. but this is still a cool thing for green to do.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/5/2012 6:22:38 PM)


I have a deck completely made up of wurms, my favorite creature type, that are all 7/7, utilizing Wild Pair.
Guess what's going in now.
I'll take 7.
Posted By: Kaixe-Rho (7/6/2012 2:37:40 PM)


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