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Wow i completely blew this card off till rootkit9208 pointed out u will never topdeck mana again(unless theres a land under the land u put on the battlefield. Def try putting this in standard decks with green. Sylvan library is one of my favorite cards. This will have to do in standard. I think its more powerful than it looks. Dont deck yourself. Be careful.
EDIT: I started with this in some jund shells and yes, its bonkers. I never lose a game when it sticks. The card advantage is overwhelming. But i think his interaction with sire of insanity is interesting. When ur living on the top of your deck, u dont want lands.
Posted By: krauser-gogetthegirl (10/5/2013 1:55:43 PM)


It's time to go,
I hate to leave,
I have to, though.
Into the woods--
It's time, and so
I must begin my journey.
Into the woods
And through the trees
to where I am
Expected, ma'am,
Into the woods
to Grandmother's house--

Into the woods
To Grandmother's house--
Posted By: DeckMechanic (10/10/2013 3:53:46 PM)


Most everything I would say is a comparison to Oracle of Mul Daya and it all has been said already. Though I must say, being a fan of expensive creatures, this card really drove me wild.
Posted By: EidolonDragon (10/15/2013 12:25:24 PM)


Did you forget about a little gem called Primeval Bounty, every time you put a land into play you gain 3 life. That's worth mentioning. And if you can filter out your lands. Your're left with nothing but creatures and instants and sorceries (non creature spells). Both of which give you bonuses; 3/3 beasts and three +1/+1 counters on target creatures, accordingly! Add a few Advocate of the Beast and a few big creatures w/ trample and you get the idea.
Posted By: mtd151 (12/16/2013 12:06:34 PM)


Mathematically, this squares you chance of drawing a land. i.e. if your deck is say 1/3 lands, to draw a land their would have to be 2 in a row, which has a 1/9ish chance of happening. So it greatly increases your chance of getting a spell, and you get the lands too. On the odd 1/9 chance, you get 2 lands untapped in a turn. Its win-win. If they game will go 3 turns after this, its probably worth it.
Posted By: yesennes (1/23/2014 7:25:35 PM)


I personally don't like this card very much. It seems like a draft or EDH card to me. If it were {1}{G}{G} and I could drop it turn 2, I would love it for constructed, but on turn 3 I want to be dropping something that will have a more immediate effect.
Posted By: jonrds (3/5/2014 1:11:29 PM)


Strictly better than Rowen (unless you're drawing cards on opponents' turns).
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/26/2014 4:31:12 AM)


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