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can someone explain to me why he is good 7/7 with flying for 8 is horrible and I dont see how his ability is good you can make then discard there hands on the what 9th turn if they cant block and he eats up 3 of your mana each turn he cant be bad with this good of ratting but can someone tell me why he is good?
Posted By: dragonking987 (12/31/2010 8:26:12 PM)


I've never understood what the big deal is with this guy. By the time you get him out, even with mana acceleration, and eat through all of your opponent's chump blockers, they've probably already gotten most of the cards out of their hand, anyway. And it's hard to cheat him into play, since you'll still need to at least be able to pay his upkeep cost (or give him haste and settle for only one swing). Sure, he's Terror-proof, but the same is true of his brothers Chromium and Vaevictis Asmadi. And Palladia-Mors doesn't care about chump blockers, and even Arcades Sabboth at least gives you a benefit without even attacking (a really minor benefit for the cost, but still, it's something). What makes this the best of the Elder Dragons?
Posted By: sonorhC (6/21/2011 10:25:43 PM)


The only worthwhile Elder Dragon, Bolas is awesome (A million times more so with new art). If only he had trample...

Of course, he's no match for his planeswalker form.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (10/20/2009 7:43:09 AM)


Planeswalker version is illustrated by same artist, however, this one have better artwork.
Posted By: Neutralion (2/4/2010 7:47:32 AM)


Holy crap...that tiny little dragon's about to be gobbled up...
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (2/9/2010 11:45:48 AM)


I have both Nicol Bolas and Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker in the same deck (sunburst). One of the most satisfying things in the world is to hit someone with both at once. 14 total damage, they discard 7 cards and then their hand, and they sacrifice 7 permanents.
Posted By: DeathDark (4/2/2010 2:47:14 PM)


As I said with his other artwork (though this one is much better) the timeless elder dragon, who in his planeswalker form is quickly becoming the center of the Magic storyline. We are already revisiting Mirrodin, maybe an epic shadow at Dominara with the planeswalkers vs Bolas is coming?
Posted By: NeoSin (4/11/2010 12:10:41 AM)



1. a 7/7 that flies for 8 CMC is hardly overcosted, even by today's standards.

2. Mana ramp in his colors is sufficient that you can easily hard cast him by turn 4 or 5 A single Dark Ritual on turn 6 will get him into play, requiring nothing else but not missing a land drop. Hell it can be earlier with spells like Summoning Trap, Elvish Piper, Quicksilver Amulet, etc. It only costs three to keep him alive.

3. His ability doesn't require combat damage. It triggers off any damage at all. So, if say, you were to equip him with Shuriken/Viridian Longbow, or enchant him with Hermetic Study/Psionic Gift, or any number of other things.


4. His ability pulls the opponents entire hand. Not one or two, or four, or {X} cards, but all of them. You can cast any number of spells that are in... (see all)
Posted By: Tonymitsu (6/16/2011 4:22:58 PM)


@ Tonymitsu

Excellent points, save for the Shuriken :P. Still good though
Posted By: Arachobia (11/17/2011 4:39:51 AM)


This version is so absurdly expensive compared to even the original Legends version, what gives? It can't be THAT much rarer can it?
Posted By: Atali (1/26/2012 12:16:07 AM)


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