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A lot of people have yet to realize is that the card Personal Sanctuary would be helpful. Or am I not understanding it correctly?
Posted By: musicalmtg88 (1/31/2012 11:43:17 AM)


Actually there are countless ways to make this card work. Your choices are: Thraben Doomsayer, Increasing Devotion, and Hero of Bladehold just to name a few. Put some tokens on the board and the game is YOURS.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (2/7/2012 7:20:44 PM)


Does Tajuru Preserver work on that?
Posted By: Schlapatzjenc (1/28/2012 11:57:01 AM)


does archdemon still hurt you if he is permanently tapped, say by dungeon giests. if you have no creatures to sac? because wouldn't the tap be considered him attacking you?
Posted By: angelsanddemons (3/20/2012 1:18:23 PM)


Do I smell Sundial of the Infinite ?
Posted By: HydeAndSeek (4/17/2012 5:10:59 PM)



Sure, you can respond to the archdemon's effect by ending your turn, and you won't have to sac a creature or take 9 damage. The problem with that is, well, ending your turn before your upkeep is a free time walk for your opponents. You don't get to draw, either, because upkeep happens before draw.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (5/2/2012 10:59:43 PM)


Attach obligatory Commander's Authority here.

Don't I wish... XD
Posted By: phyrexiantrygon (5/12/2012 5:35:42 PM)


My friend runs one of these in a white/black human sacrifice deck thats really pretty scary. It uses things like Doomed Traveler, Elgaud Inquisitor, Mausoleum Guard, Unruly mob, and the like to milk as much mileage as possible from the death of each human. You sac humans to this guy to flip him and keep him on your side all the while pumping a steady stream of 1/1 fliers he can use to peck away at you with (take 9 from one guy or take 3 from these weenies and lose a creature to my 9/9 kinda situations) or chump block. When each human dies Unruly Mob gets scarier as well.

There are other cards that allow you to sac humans/creatures to destroy creatures, sac to gain life, or sac for other types of effects. And then theres Skirsdag High Priest that allows you to pump 5/5 creatures into play when something dies. Eventually the deck becomes extremely overwhelming w/... (see all)
Posted By: alphagprime (5/18/2012 8:23:05 PM)


Everybody here has forgotten about some VERY useful cards for saccing: changelings. If you get a couple of Ghostly Changelings and a couple of undying enchantments for them, you can reuse your changelings for one extra turn each. After they have +1/+1 counters on them, use cards like Grave Exchange to bring them back. In theory, you can use three ghostly changelings to keep the archdemon of greed on the field for eight turns or more.
Posted By: dovakhin (5/19/2012 1:50:15 PM)


I've only seen this side of him once, when I had already won the game and was showing off.
I attacked once, and my opponent popped my last human so he's done me about as much harm as good.
But he did make nice fodder for my Bone Splinters.
Trade him out for anything. Wurmcoil Engine, if you have one.
Demonic Taskmaster if you need something to sacrifice things to. Abyssal Persecutor if you have something to sacrifice him to. Bloodgift if you like his cost but don't want to structure around him.
Posted By: Zoah (5/23/2012 2:02:02 AM)


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