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Community Rating: 3.967 / 5  (106 votes)
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Welp, looks like I'm gonna have to discard all these Fiery Tempers. Isn't that a shame, folks.
Posted By: LordRandomness (3/14/2013 5:53:47 PM)


I'd like to play this in a R/G GY based deck with Boneyard Wurm Wreath of Geists, Splinterfright,Rummaging Goblin and Reforge the Soul, suddenly discarding your hand full of creatures would be a great combat trick.
Posted By: TowerDefender (6/10/2013 4:31:13 PM)


Great card for all the reasons mentioned here, but this isn't an automatic 4-of. That's because the card doesn't have very good synergy with itself. If you end up with 2 copies in your hand, then one of the copies is dead.

With that situation in mind, I'd say you should only have 1–3 copies (probably 2) unless say you have some other effect like Wild Guess or Faithless Looting that can filter your hand.
Posted By: james2c19v (6/29/2013 12:56:45 PM)


A great card to filter a land filled hand out of the way, right next to faithless looting
Fantastic with Blood Scrivener
Posted By: blurrymadness (9/5/2013 1:40:06 PM)


I think I'm the only one who likes both the artwork AND the design on the card. The artwork could have made the knucklebones look a little less... well, milky and delicious. Or they could have just depicted a set of jacks outright.

I personally hate Red burn. I am much more of a fan of the the chaotic side of Red (e.g.: Gamble, Chaos Warp, this, Browbeat) and I love interacting with sorceries or sometimes even instants (if you delve into Charmbreaker Devils or Surreal Memoir, which, by the way, also play into Red's chaotic theme). Now don't get me wrong, you're not going to mill your opponent with a couple Book Burnings- those are an overcosted engine for threshold, but my point is that there's only a few burn cards worth using out there. I personally prefer a variant of Blaze; the x cost burns ensure that you have a spell as big as you can... (see all)
Posted By: MacBizzle (11/9/2013 12:53:18 AM)


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