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One problem w/ the Painter's stone deck, the eldrazi titans stop it ( well actually keeps it going for all eternity ). And taking a deck and trying to board it into an entirely new archetype won't win you many games. And adding a leyline of the void, cranial extraction, etc just made that combo of yours ALOT clunkier and easier to disrupt.
The best that could be done is to give yourself 8 vindicates/counterspells at 1 mana each. And even that won't win you the game without something significant to use as a threat.

@ scumbling1
Try as they might, and dont let this shock you, more than this deck uses force of will. And now there's mental misstep
Posted By: BlackAlbino (5/24/2011 9:09:21 PM)


If there are cards that would go back into the library, they will stay in graveyard until this effect finish resolving. Once their library is empty the effect ends, those cards would then shuffle back into the library.
Posted By: non1337 (10/26/2011 12:12:47 AM)


is that an onion ring on his eye? or is it an orange peel?..
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (11/23/2011 2:47:33 AM)


The whole Painter's Servant thing is made worse because of the perfectly set up curve...
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/19/2011 11:02:29 PM)


Cursed Scroll's milling brother. These two one-drop artifacts brothers went on to serve the Spikes and Johnnys of Magic for years to come.
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (1/16/2012 5:44:41 PM)


The weird thing about the Painter's Servant/Grindstone combo is its perfect mana curve.

Turn 1 - Grindstone
Turn 2 - Painter's Servant
Turn 3 - Activate Grindstone

It makes you wonder if they had it in mind when they made Painter's Servant.
Posted By: EyeballFrog (3/18/2012 12:17:51 PM)


The obvious combo with Painter's Servant aside, this card really isn't as good as some people seem to think. Locohead has a point. Without Painter's Servant, let's assume that a 60 card deck has 24 lands and 36 cards of the same color. This is being optimistic as we're assuming that all 36 non-land cards both share a color, and are not artifacts of any sort (or other colorless cards).

Using Grindstone on a 60 card deck (let's ignore that they have to draw a hand and what not, it only complicates things), we get:

36/60 x 35/60 = .35,

35% chance for our Grindstone to activate a second time. To activate again, it has even less chance because we're taking out more colored cards without taking out the colorless cards:

.35 x 34/60 x 33/60 = .109083333....,

Not quite 11% chance for our Grindstone to activate a third time.

.109083333.... x 32/60 x 31/60 = .30058518...,

Roughly 3% chance for it to activate a 4th time. As you can see, it's not incredibly likely ... (see all)
Posted By: DeaTh-ShiNoBi (9/30/2012 4:37:18 PM)


If you have Painter's Servant and they have Emrakul, the Aeons Torn in their library, then this will create an infinite loop. It will mill 2 and the trigger will go on the stack, and when Emrakul gets milled the yard will shuffle and you will keep on going, over and over. Unless you can Surgical Extraction or something.

Stuff like Worldspine Wurm and Darksteel Colossus is not as bad, the end result will be one card left, unless they had 2, then it would be an infinite loop with 2 cards left.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/27/2012 4:08:46 PM)


Drop Lotus Petal, Mox Opal and Darksteel Citadel. Tap Lotus Petal and drop Mana Vault. Tap Mana Vault and drop Painter's Servant and Grindstone. Tap Mox Opal and drop Sol Ring, then tap Sol Ring and Darksteel Citadel to activate Grindstone.
Posted By: Guesty_ (1/14/2013 3:59:09 PM)


painter's servant. No other words needed.
Posted By: battleofwits (1/15/2013 7:37:57 AM)


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