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Community Rating: 4.154 / 5  (130 votes)
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This may be better than Lol-souls in Esper Stoneblade, with fetches paying life and Stoneblades low volume of creatures.
4.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (3/17/2013 10:29:44 AM)


What an awesome card. 5/5
Posted By: nevenshinko (3/31/2013 11:51:50 PM)


I love the art for this. "WE HAVE ARRIVED! .... And we brought snacks...."
Posted By: Secksee (5/16/2013 7:06:06 PM)


After seeing this in action in a White Weenie deck I built; it really works. If you get Wrathed or the other deck is a better aggro deck or is controlling you too hard, this thing swings games; and for 3 mana.

Why? because 6 health is *a lot*, 3 weenies is on par for a 3/3 for three, but easily made better by equipments or otherwise. Very effective at re-establishing, especially in multiplayer.

Also Accorder Paladin?
Any aggro strategy will suffer for touching you when you can swing back for a very dirty 9 (without a 1 drop.)

and feel free to use this next to painlands and shocklands..
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/18/2013 2:22:59 PM)


It's not the first card to do that, but the only one since Humans got instroduced as a creature type.

Just how are these raceless Soldiers?

Very solid card nonetheless, the condition to get both the tokens and the life is likely to be met against aggresive decks, and this can just buy you enough time. Three tokens for three mana is great itself; and 6 extra life is quite a lot of icing on the cake.
Posted By: Mode (10/3/2013 10:11:54 AM)


The best friend of Control decks.
Time to punish those chaotic and lawless aggro maniacs
Posted By: Galerion (2/6/2014 7:51:02 AM)


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