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This guy is such a boss.
Posted By: lyysander (2/24/2012 7:08:02 PM)


This guy can drive your opponents insane. Also an example of good card design, there is a fine line between a card like this being good and being broken, and that's the choice of "on top of your library" instead of "into your hand". You're getting consistent removal, but at the cost of a card draw. Pretty fair trade to be honest.
Posted By: Pinto331 (2/27/2012 10:25:29 AM)


I play this guy in every graveyard-based EDH deck I make, even though he almost never hits the battlefield.

The best use for him is to keep him in your hand and wait for your opponent to attack with an unprotected General or other fatty, then discard the Pharaoh with a discard outlet like Wild Mongrel or Putrid Imp for some surprise destruction.

OR you can discard him into your graveyard early in the game as a deterrence against early attackers. Although that leaves him open to being Nihl'd or Bajuka'd.
Posted By: captain_cornpops (2/27/2012 9:55:26 PM)


DarthParallax, if you're going to use zombies with Kaalia, please use only Bladewing. If you're going to use creatures that don't match types with Kalia, I suggest you use something that protects her instead of yourself.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (4/4/2012 2:43:08 PM)


Remember Spellshapers?

mana, tap, discard something to do whatever? This guy might actually give Squee a run for his money.
Posted By: Barjin-N-Blastum (7/25/2012 1:51:39 PM)


Entomb him for a removal early on in the game.
Posted By: Arachnos (8/9/2012 8:36:11 PM)


If you can consistently mill him off the top of your library he's gold. Even one pharaoh is enough to deter some (assuming they're paying attention to your graveyard). More often than not, opponents unwittingly run right into him .
Posted By: MRK1 (1/9/2013 2:43:46 PM)


This guy's pretty good removal. Maybe outclassed in a lot of formats, but in EDH he's a beast. If you really need to draw, you can always not play him.
Posted By: Haplo81 (3/30/2013 8:04:12 PM)


Sure you could keep him in the 'yard forever, but consider: a 5/4 for CMC 5 is not bad. A recurring 5/4 is awesome.
Posted By: Salient (5/26/2013 10:47:09 PM)


@ EternalPhi

psst, your wrong. First strike damage and normal combat damage are two different steps. So you can get hit with a 5/5 Double strike and Kill it before it gets its second strike, or hit with a 1/1 First strike, and kill the 8/8 that doesn't have first strike thats still on its way at you.
Posted By: Rancid_Raptor (7/11/2013 5:32:23 PM)


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