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Community Rating: 3.917 / 5  (278 votes)
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Swampwalk is definitely the least useful part of her abilities but in my group, almost everyone uses black so its pretty powerful. Still, she's not meant to attack. I like Jin-Gitaxis more but then again, for the cost she's better.
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/7/2013 10:17:27 AM)


@Donjohnson - unless you have two Primordials, this will only work every second turn. Both triggers occur in the upkeep, so you have to choose Sheoldred's target at that point - and at that time, Sepulchral will still be on the battlefield (that is, not a legal target). So on one turn you'd have to sac it to Doomgape to get it in the graveyard, then on the next you'd be able to get it back with Sheoldred. And if you're doing well enough to have 3 7 mana creatures out and have a Sheoldred that's being left unchecked, you probably don't need that little synergy. :-P

In any case, Sheoldred is solid as heck. For the effect - which basically nets +2 card advantage every turn cycle, and a very solid type of advantage at that - the cost is very, very reasonable.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (5/2/2013 9:03:21 AM)



What thorjy said.
Posted By: Heathspook (5/17/2013 3:36:27 AM)


Her name is probably derived from "Sheol" which in jewish faith is the equivalent of hell, but it is a cold, dank and cave like.
Posted By: Xineombine (6/5/2013 6:02:30 PM)


For sure Swampwalk kinda sucks, but the ability makes up for it. Remember how good the Edicts are? Remember Reya Dawnbringer? Sheoldred Reya with an Edict every single turn.
Posted By: Arachnos (6/8/2013 11:14:34 AM)


Why did they print a card that completely outclasses an older card? Ratings should not always be based on how strong the card is. I'm sure if they printed a 1 mana artifact creature that was a 10/10 with trample and haste, they would get a ton of crap for being stupid. This is just a less extreme example of that (although I do like this card, so I still rated it 5/5).

The power of this card is that it affects your opponent the moment their turn starts. Even if they kill it on their turn (assuming you played it when they were tapped out), they still have to sacrifice a creature.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/13/2013 8:38:30 AM)


I don't think swampwalk is the worse of the extra abilities by comparison with the other Praetors. Why shouldn't Sheoldred feel better at Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth?
Posted By: Kariuko (11/23/2013 3:26:04 AM)


Why is she rated around .4 stars lower than Reya Dawnbringer? Not only is Reya much more difficult to hard cast, Sheoldred would be better even ignoring cmcs imo! Yes, flying is way better than Swampwalk, but 6/6 to 4/6 helps to make up for this and Sheoldred's third ability is incredibly useful.

@SAUS3: I disagree that ratings shouldn't be based on how strong the card is. If you have some people rating based on balance and some on power, you get ratings somewhere in between which will often not represent either properly. Since most people rate cards based on how good they are, rating them on how unhealthy they may be for the game or rating them poorly because you lost to it just skews the ratings and causes new players to draw false conclusions. Its bad enough that people are rating cards differently for different formats (see: the many cards which are good in EDH but lackluster in other formats).
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (12/1/2013 9:30:56 AM)


Great card, but not much fun. Like most of the praetors, she tends to play the game for you if she isn't immediately removed. For a graveyard deck, I think I will stick with Reya Dawnbringer if I want the free recursion. The forced sacrifice every turn is just mean-spirited, and being black makes her just that much more tricky to get rid of. If she is strictly late-game, as was obviously intended, then you can probably use her without coming off as a giant douchebag. 4/5 feels about right. Neat art.
Posted By: Pongdok (1/20/2014 1:22:42 PM)


Played her turn 3 from the graveyard with exhume....was fun times lol.
Posted By: Kadaver666 (2/9/2014 12:27:56 PM)


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