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raluna: LOL Baneslayer is way more broken than this, WAY more broken.

Awesome card, imagine what would happen if you had 3 on your graveyard, 20 lifes right there.

like the art and name too, its so epic
Posted By: Tobolococo (2/23/2010 7:32:14 AM)


This is possibly one of the most potentially flavorful cards in the game...
But then he wasn't... Why demigod of "revenge"? Revenge against what? The flavor text was disappointing too... A nice mechanical card, but Magic should have thought longer about the flavor...

Personally I think the flavor text "When the Aurora shook the world, Snokk forced his way back to the world of the living with one thought in mind: revenge!" would have been so much better...

This is where Snokk comes from by the way: Hunter of Eyeblights
Posted By: Zoah (2/28/2010 8:44:36 PM)


Very nice, all you need is one in your hand, three in your deck and Buried Alive to deliver potential 20 flying damage to your opponent's face!

of course, there's always Echoing Truth....
Posted By: Nerobyrne (3/8/2010 5:38:44 AM)


2 words: Raking Canopy
Posted By: klauth (3/10/2010 9:40:52 PM)


Tarmogoyf should've ended the "it's broken" argument the day this came out. Yup its good. Yes Extirpate absolutely ruins this card now that it's 1.X legal. You can also chump block it with the equivalent of a Will-O Wisp. It is certainly a good card, but don't start with that broken nonsense.
Posted By: spectermonger (3/29/2010 3:23:08 PM)


People say that this is overrated and that lava axe is underrated... I think a smart player would be able to kick some tail with this.
Posted By: mflanaga (4/6/2010 3:13:04 PM)


This card has singlehandedly killed me more than any other in MTG... Uncounterable, and when you use most removal, you set yourself up for twice as much damage next turn... I hate you, Demigod... I hate you.
Posted By: Tequilasaurus (4/8/2010 5:00:38 PM)


I know this is very late game, but id love to cast a small thing like hellspark elemental and then this guy so i can pull back some other demigods and then as its the second creature spell cast possibly pull back some vengevines to overun for tons of damage
Posted By: Havens (7/28/2010 6:10:23 PM)


I like this better than vine.
5/4 flyer for 5 is already good enough, but haste?! Not to mention he returns to the battlefield.
Posted By: persecutor (8/3/2010 1:07:57 PM)


Lets see... buried alive to bury 3 of these suckers.... then play one, bring 3 others back and swing for 20 flying on anywheres from turn 3-5.
Posted By: voodooheart (8/3/2010 5:10:13 PM)


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