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You would be incorrect good sir you would need to make all 3 targets illegal in order to fizzle so its no use. Great card destroys land and pesky enchantments/artifacts/creatures.
Posted By: TwistedNsanity (7/8/2009 3:30:14 PM)


If it just said four instead of three, this could have been great.
Posted By: Folesauce (2/10/2010 1:12:15 PM)


Solid card overall, I was running two of them in my Jund deck, but I ended up removing them due to mana cost.
Posted By: Cigarette (8/1/2009 11:51:21 AM)


if there are 3 targets when you cast this card. it will hit the stack obviously.... but if in response one of the targets leaves play. the card rechecks..... and should fizzle am i correct or not.?
Posted By: nikdakid (7/4/2009 3:51:07 AM)


that's very violent, MA 15+
Posted By: ttian (3/25/2009 2:40:18 AM)


I was playing online one day and this guy lost a creature to my Grim Poppet.
He "yelled"' "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" The he dropped a Violent Ultimatum.
I used Sharuum to return my Grim Poppet and killed him shortly after.
Long story, short Violent Ultimatum is a good card for killing things harder to return
from the graveyard.
Posted By: CriscoCookingOil (9/19/2009 11:25:18 AM)


I like what zulp says. Haha :D

Seriously I find violent ultimatum a game winner. Since we are talking red here it is not hard to set up a Pyromancer Ascension to have the effect copied.

GGRRRBB - Destroy 6 target permanents. YES PLEASE!

Btw it combos VERY well with Vengeful Rebirth *winks
Posted By: Magasul (10/26/2009 12:40:32 AM)


flavor text is cool, awsome art, great to play with.
yeah yeah BBRRRGG of mana cost but in the right deck with the right mana acceleration it can come down as early as my fifth turn :).

i cant remove anything from a land to a planeswalker :)
if you cant afford Maelstrom Pulse this card is not a bad deal!!!
Posted By: nineyears (12/3/2009 6:26:16 PM)


Why is this card so overcosted and weak? With all the powercreep Wizards is printing, they could have at least saved some for this and Clarion Ultimatum and Brilliant Ultimatum. "Destroy all permanents", maybe?
Posted By: TheTraitorKing (12/23/2009 4:54:43 AM)


@ TheTraitorKing

In most cases, destroying 3 is better than destroying all. Destroying 3 will be more than enough to swing the game in your favor. Destroying everything doesn't really help unless you have some kind of combo ready.
Posted By: mdakw576 (2/22/2010 4:52:19 AM)


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