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Community Rating: 3.791 / 5  (170 votes)
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Would be great if shroud hadn't been so weakened in constructed by all the "target player" creature destruction. As is, sideboard at best.

Seems to combo well with Pyroclasm and Slagstorm to clear the board but leave the turtles alive.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (2/1/2011 2:21:17 PM)


are you turtly enough for the turtle club?
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/17/2011 1:30:21 PM)


HE HAS SHROUD! Come on, any card with a toughness of 4 and shroud is worth at least 4 stars!
Posted By: MrPink343 (2/3/2010 12:12:06 PM)


Too bad the M10 rules changes removed the gap between 'assign combat damage' and 'receve combat damage', otherwise you could send him in to combat as a 4/1, have him deal 4 damage, and sac a search-land during the gap to switch him, making him toughness 4 in time to receve damage.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/31/2010 11:17:01 PM)


I found something super nifty about shroud, and since I like turtles, Imma share it here with you guys instead of on something better, like Neurok Commando. Please don't pass it around, thanks.

Soulbond bypasses Shroud! Turn your Calcite Snapper into a 6/3 with Druid's Familiar, or let that four damage net you a card with dear old Tandem Lookout. Opponent's board position got your down? give Calcite flying with Wingcrafter! Or first strike or haste (lol why) or lifelink!
Posted By: RAV0004 (5/20/2012 5:05:03 PM)


this card does have a good place in constructed. in my UB control, i regularly side it vs. UW control, and even RDW.

vs. UW control, it is quite simply an amazing card. (all apply to ub control also except luminarch)
-stops luminarch from charging
-uncounterable, un-removable
-4 damage/turn
-kills their jace.

vs. RDW (these points are hugely important given the difficulty control has with kuldotha red, etc.)
-solid early blocker
-immune to removal
Posted By: stille_nacht (7/7/2011 8:22:16 PM)


I really don't see much of a difference between this and turtleshell changeling and really so excited over shroud? Big whoop, I'm not impressed.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/21/2010 6:52:54 PM)


The one toughness means your never going to flip it. Useless card
Posted By: Sk8er_Boi_1999 (9/9/2011 7:31:47 PM)


I plan on sideboarding this for my Neurok Commando deck along with Pyroclasm and Slagstorm. Shroud Control.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (8/28/2011 10:56:58 PM)


Why only three point something, this guy is amazing!! He will be played by Esper/Grixis control. Makes a very efficient wall that basically blocks anything without flying in standard and cannot be removed. Oh, and when the field is clear.... bash for four damage! Picture is BADASS too :) the turtle is like: wtf are you looking at???? wanna be pawned??
Posted By: TomAlso (2/1/2010 11:48:46 PM)


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