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Community Rating: 4.149 / 5  (57 votes)
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The art for this is mind-blowingly good - "You cast this spell, join us in the hell of insanity!" The card effect is cool, but tends to be a bit underwhelming - I'd say for the times when you're facing recursion, hold that Tormod's Crypt in your hand as they tap to help mill themselves. Lay the Crypt down and then lay down the waste.
Posted By: Goatllama (3/28/2013 2:38:29 PM)


Change "graveyard" to "hand" and you've got Minds Aglow.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/16/2013 12:43:13 AM)


For EDH shenanigans:
Psychic Spiral
consuming aberration
living death~ if you're batshit insane.
Keening stone
laboratory maniac
Posted By: Inksci (4/6/2014 11:53:20 AM)


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