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broken beyond belief... and i love it!!!
Posted By: zplaya (11/1/2009 9:06:23 PM)



This is crazed. Make a deck with cheap cards like Metallic Sliver, Arcbound Worker, Ornithopter, Spellbook and Mishra's Bauble etc. and then Darksteel Colossus and some Eldrazi. : )
Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (6/7/2010 11:19:05 PM)


it doesn't even come into play taped. not that that would stop it being ridiculas lol
Posted By: Mindbend (8/4/2010 4:03:01 PM)


I would like to see a modern version of this. Something to make it less broken of course.
Mana for each artifact; Perhaps a good consequence would be that it doesn't easily untap? "Untap when an opponent does damage to you"?
Posted By: Tera_GX (9/5/2010 11:42:05 PM)


The moment i saw this thing... I checked the banned list, because this is BROKEN BEYOND BELIEF. This is just as powerful as the lotus!
Posted By: VoidedNote (9/7/2010 10:19:26 PM)


This+a ton of artifacts+Stroke of Genius = Win for Drawing cards
Posted By: Sytos64 (11/8/2010 11:53:32 AM)


That is all.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (7/6/2011 11:52:19 AM)


It makes me sigh that you're forgetting more people at the time of printing had greater access to Ornithopter, Lotus Petal, and other cheap artifacts than the Power Nine, and STILL broke this card in half about two months after Urza's Saga came out. The temp advantage was just sick, no matter what you were playing.
Posted By: The_Stray (7/10/2011 7:24:56 PM)


I think that somehow the "legendary" status of this land may have led some to believe that its power was nipped a little bit (because you can't have 4 of them in play!!!) and therefore okay to print.

I remember great multiplayer games in dorm rooms where it was a race to see who could put their academy out or much more frequently it was the cradle. Back then once a legendary land hit someone else's side of the board you would have to hold yours indefinitely. I remember elf deck and token decks packing some very slight land destruction so that if they lost the race to put the cradle on the table first they could zap yours and run amok! That was one of those funny moments, to see the face of your opponent go from utter glee to disbelief when they put gaea's cradle in play only to have it end up in the graveyard by next turn!
Posted By: Bauer4Prez (8/1/2011 5:04:06 PM)


A3Kitsune: "so far only one card makes enchantment tokens"

Which card would that be? I know of a few different things that can make enchantment creature tokens by copying Lucent Liminid (like Soul Foundry or Mimic Vat with one imprinted on), but are you saying there's something that makes tokens that are noncreature enchantments?
Posted By: WhiteWizard42 (8/14/2011 10:29:50 PM)


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