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Community Rating: 2.283 / 5  (23 votes)
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How did such a cool idea turn into such a crappy card? There's so many things they could've done to make this playable. I want to play this card so badly and yet I can't force myself to.
Posted By: 1337vanguard (11/11/2013 3:35:19 AM)


I once had a idea based around Sapling of Colfenor, a top of the library themed deck. Full of Sylvan Library effects, Cream of the Crop, Mul Daya Channelers, Oracle of Mul Daya, etc. etc.

This would be perfect for that deck. And probably only that deck.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (11/15/2013 6:17:43 PM)


A creature that can be anywhere between 0 and 16*X (Draco's the biggest legal spell you can play, X=amount of players in a game).

I've play-tested it and found a few things:

1. On average, I've got about a 7/7 with 3 players. Sometimes I have a 2/2, sometimes I have a 16/16.
2. When it hits, it HITS. Trample is a fantastic ability to be put onto it, and people are going to soil themselves knowing THIS is coming for them.
3. I rarely want to play it because it's an inconsistency.

Overall, it's not a great card, but it's one you play in a true "group hug" deck. Its effect isn't very "group hug"-ish, but when you play it, it feels like all of you put all your hard work into making this. It feels like a group project, especially when there's that one guy who doesn't show up during the meetings and presents a land.

Also, I never thought I'd say this, but it combos with Wizened Snitches.
Posted By: Ferlord (11/26/2013 7:08:24 PM)


@Earthdawn "To be used with Worldly Tutor and/or Reveillark."

Sure, use Reveillark to put it back onto the battlefield, where it will be a 0/0 with Trample because you didn't cast it. I think you've found one of the few ways to make this card even more inefficient: guarantee you'll be getting a 0/0 Trample for 8CMC instead of it just being a possibility.
Posted By: cactido (12/8/2013 4:46:10 PM)


Having recently played this with 9 +1/+1 counters, I can say it is definitely a Timmy card. I like it, though I'll acknowledge it isn't quite as efficient as Bane of Progress. But at least Soulbeast won't cost you your Sol Ring.
Posted By: Manite (12/28/2013 7:35:28 PM)


Use him when playing against 12+ people...then come and rate him.
He would be hilarious in a 2p game...

"I tap eight to play this...wait for it... ...2/2...Naya Soulbeast...YES! This game is mine!"
Posted By: Dragonshoredreamz (2/19/2014 1:34:59 PM)


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