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Community Rating: 3.578 / 5  (83 votes)
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Underrated. Remember that these are the colors of unblockability. Ciphering this onto a Consuming Aberration (or even just Ciphering it while you have a Consuming Aberration) leads to lots of brutal fun for you.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (8/11/2013 8:29:52 PM)



Shows how 1 mana decides if cancel is playable vs. counterspell etc. That's why Whispering Madness sees zero constructed play.
Posted By: bfellow (9/30/2013 7:46:40 PM)


Could I cipher this on to a creeping tar pit? That'd be pretty sweet XD
Posted By: hainto14 (1/23/2014 6:43:50 PM)


hainto14: You can encode this onto a Creeping Tar Pit, as long as you animate the Tar Pit first. It will remain encoded even after the Tar Pit stops being a creature.
Posted By: Lazenca_Seifus (2/4/2014 5:47:09 AM)


i don't understand why this is rated so low when windfall is rated so high. it's the same card, only +{B} for cipher, so you can use it again with unblocked creatures, which isn't hard to do when there is unblockable in blue and fear/intimidate in black. when Innistrad want RTR were in standard together, this was boss in B/U zombie decks. But this on Invisible Stalker, toss some zombies into the grave to reanimate or exile with stitchers and proceed to self-mill by drawing. Yea I get that it's less splashable and shouldn't get the 4.3/4.6 rating of windfall, but it doesn't deserve 3.5. I fail to see the dilemma here.
Posted By: raptorman333 (2/25/2014 6:49:36 AM)


Yo, back the f*** up.
Posted By: car2n (2/26/2014 3:00:26 PM)


For people talking about the differences between Windfall:
+B makes this two colors; which is much more specific. For instance, High Tide combo could use Windfall, but not use this. Also, two color decks become three, etc.
+1 mana cost makes it much harder to sneak it in for card advantage. It's a turn slower which means they can spend a net extra card (land + thing, possibly a couple things) than they would've

There's a huge difference between 3 mana cost spells and 4. One needs to just peruse Legacy decks to see that. Windfall would be used in legacy; this would not. Each mana is far harder to drop than the last. The difference in number of land to reliably drop 4 lands by T4 vs. 3 lands by T3 is also huge: 20-21 vs. 24.

So; in turn the extra lands destabalize opening hands to be different, cause the deck to be shoe-horned into an extra color, cause it to be slow enough to not cause massive card advantage, etc. This is a usable and fine card; but the differenc... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/4/2014 2:51:03 PM)


I am just glad this will be in the same standard as Waste Not when 2015 rolls around.
Posted By: cotf1692 (4/6/2014 6:10:32 PM)


I just pulled 17 damage in one turn with this, one Fate Unraveler, and my opponent's full hand (thanks Dictate of Kruphix).

This card is a lot of fun if used correctly, and quite Dimir as well. It includes discard (black), draw (blue), and roundabout milling (black/blue). Like many Dimir cards it has a benefit to your opponents as well, but in true Dimir fashion, this card is all about turning your opponent's strengths against them, or taking their strength for yourself.

It's a great end piece in a low cost deck, when you expect to run out of hand faster than your opponent. Combos nicely with Hidden Strings, as that card can basically be cast for free, prior to discarding your hand, and can act as pseudo blue mana-ramp to clear out your hand again.
Posted By: SevesDariku (5/9/2014 10:18:44 AM)


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