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Community Rating: 4.009 / 5  (110 votes)
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23456 >
In casual, Grinning Ignus allows you to do 4 damage and 4 discard on T4; no card loss. In a more expensive environment, accelerating with Deathrite Shaman (in color) and Mox Diamond and ancient tomb (or another sol land) can allow for a 3-to-4 card nab on T2.

In either scenario, one can imagine that that's game unless it got countered.
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/10/2014 11:13:29 AM)


Rakdos has the best parties.
Posted By: car2n (2/12/2014 7:55:56 PM)


This card is quite underrated, probably due to a lack of understanding by those who have rated it less than 5.

Even if it was XBB to discard X it would have been pretty good still since that it is a Mind Shatter (minus random discard), but since it is XBR with damage as well then it is already starting to look on par with the mighty Mind Twist. Remember that twist doesn't have the secondary ability to function as a straight finisher (on its own) while return can in fact outright kill an opponent because of the damage. Now this may seem obvious, but in reality a significant percentage of the community likely doesn't fully understand the importance of that fact.

Now where return really starts to shine is when you look at the wording of the card, and realize that it says "target opponent" not "target player" which is super massive important. Cards like Redirect and Swerve are extremely powerful in genera... (see all)
Posted By: FlashCaster (2/23/2014 1:54:02 AM)


Skull Rend is arguably better. And it costs waaaaay less, money-wise.
Posted By: Goatllama (4/9/2014 7:43:28 PM)


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