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Community Rating: 4.447 / 5  (95 votes)
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This is in the running for my favorite card of all time. It's perfectly designed. If your mind goes to combos when you look at this, you're in the wrong place. You don't HAVE to avoid the end of turn effect, because the game will be OVER before that end of turn comes. Effectively ending the game on turn 3 is far more elegant (and more red) than comboing with this - and nasties like Kiln Fiend make it possible.
Posted By: TheGreatWhatever (7/7/2013 2:33:34 PM)


this is the most Yu-Gi-Oh! card in MTG XD

and by that I mean, this is the card that Joey Wheeler will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS play next to every Wheel of Fortune effect. :P

He powers out cards like this with Mox Ruby, Lotus Petal and crap so he can, on turn one, basically just recycle his hand as many times over as possible, and play as many "or you lose the game" cards as possible, so that he can at last decide the entire match, and his duelling career, on a coin flip or dice roll.

Joey Wheeler is actually the BEST kind of player to play with, because he DOES love FUN and FRIENDSHIP :D ....but he cannot win games to save anyone's soul XD

Timmy + Johnny = Joey XP
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/22/2013 1:46:43 PM)


I've played since Unlimited and this is my favorite card of any set. I've won, and probably lost, more games with this single card than any other I could name. Despite the few backdoor methods of circumventing losing the game, it's all or nothing. Burn your boat. Absolutely Perfect!
Posted By: openuris (10/5/2013 6:29:33 PM)


Heavy control player tap out to play Time Stretch? How about I smash your face in first?
Posted By: ElliotSternberg (12/7/2013 11:04:11 AM)


For all the people saying this isn't red, I think adding in a "you lose the game clause" and a very flavourfull one at that is plenty justification for a bit of colour-bleed.
Posted By: TheKazu (12/22/2013 9:47:16 PM)


I lost the game.
Posted By: BlazeB75 (1/15/2014 9:09:54 PM)


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