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I'm sure she's not a really competitive Planeswalker. But I like her for EDH, I guess partially because of that reason(I'm not really competitive when it comes to playing anyway, and it's a nice social format). I always have a few Elves in my Green decks anyway, so her second ability rewards me with some life for that, and her final(the few times I've managed to use it) puts some more bodies on the board. Nissa's Chosen doesn't make any of my EDH decks anyway, but I don't mind getting her out with a couple Elves on the board for a little bit of life-gain, and then have the possibility of using her to bring out some of my other Elves. And, flavour-wise, I like her quite a bit.

If you're building for Tribal or EDH(or EDH Tribal, for that matter), give her a chance. I wouldn't necessarily call her a staple or an auto-include, but something to throw in that you won't always see.

I'll call her a 3/5 for some easy lifegain, battlefield-bolstering potential, flavour, an... (see all)
Posted By: EDHDeckbuilder (1/24/2014 12:23:12 AM)


Her art here was too risque to be printed on a video game box according to the ESRB. If you look at her art for Duels of the Planeswalkers, the cleavage has been covered up.

I think people are misinterpreting her as bad. She is narrow, not bad. She can function very nicely in her element. No, she isn't going to see competitive play, planeswalkers are too slow for a top-tier elf deck anyway, but she is really fun to play with.
Posted By: Enelysios (6/3/2014 12:10:06 PM)


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