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you only really need a couple chosen i say, if for whatever reason she doesn't die and you got Lys Alana you can keep throwing the chosen at your opponent and getting free elves

more elves means more mana means big beasties and twisters

and as far as the last ability being suicidal
you don't have to put out ALL your elves, you CAN

and again feldon's cane will help if theres a wrath of god or something
Posted By: billpasdmf (9/30/2009 10:12:06 PM)


Kinda pricey
She should have cost 1GG and ultimate only -5
either that or start at 4 loyalty

fun in a causal elf tribal deck
Posted By: OutlawD1 (10/4/2009 12:36:24 PM)


unless you have an elf obliterater, (like i will likely always have on the field), destroy all creatures, or way to stop the elves from curbstomping you, her ultimate will kill you
Posted By: darkfury (9/26/2009 10:44:07 AM)


While I am forced to admit that she is a bit one sided, when she is used appropriately (by which I mean in an elf deck, of course) she can be devastating. I'm thinking of a particular combination with Door of Destinies and Elvish Promenade, or Lys Alana Hunt Master. Hmmm...
Posted By: legiosastartes (9/30/2009 10:22:20 PM)


Compared to Sorin, Nissa's pretty weak. While she does have some nice abilities that could cpmpletely screw someone over in an elf deck, i just dont think she would last long enough to many of them. Here abilities are just too narrow.
Posted By: Styny (10/4/2009 6:12:17 AM)


This card is ridiculously amazing in extended.
Posted By: Bladewing1989 (10/11/2009 8:19:17 PM)


Oh, Nissa. You're so fragile! I would at LEAST have given her 3 Loyalty counters rather than 2...virtually ANYTHING can kill her. But her blood-thirsty counterpart, however can pack a wallop AND beetch slap Nissa, here...tisk, tisk. And also, if someone did NOT kill her the first couple of turns to LET her use her final, then... Wow...bravo...you just let the easiest prey to kill make you THEIR prey.
Posted By: Jokergius (10/11/2009 10:50:03 PM)


I have an Elf Deck (Vintage) and never have considered to put this card on it.
her abilities are not too great, and the Nissa's Chosen Elf... they are not the half of what are some other elfs like Treetop Scout

Concluding: Fun to play, Not a winner card
Posted By: Franconomicon (10/17/2009 12:16:04 PM)


I could see some real combo potential with some of the lorwyn elves, but seriously speaking, a planeswalker that requires you to play elves in order to work means shes only useful in an elf deck. I still play a lot of green and I wont be using her, I like my naya beasts from shards of alara and she doesn't give any of them any kind of benefit. She can still be especially awesome with a bunch of elves, but until I put a mono green elf deck together, I'm sort of 50/50 on how useful this planeswalker really is. There are some really powerful elves out there.. I mean gilft leaf arch druid + nissa = take control of all your opponents lands. However, being serious.. planeswalkers can only use one ability a turn, even if she has double +1's, thats 5 turns of waiting, and 6 if you don't want her to be whisked off the field by using the ability. In 5 turns you better believe someones going to burn it.

Changelings and chameleon colossus just became important again.

For all the people say... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/29/2009 11:52:20 PM)


also why is everyone hating on her second ability, wellwisher is one of the most broken elf's (or at least was pre lowryn I skipped that set) so what is bad about having double that, and pulling out more elves is never bad, in fact it's great a 2/3 is good and it gains her loyalty as opposed to garruk's 3/3 which costs a point.
Her last is damn good. Everyone keeps talking about how her ultimate is bad for you if they pull of a wipe. but as long as you have a Elvish Soultiller your pretty safe from any board wipes. and also in standard her last is great, pull out some elvish archdruid's and bloodbraid elf's to get some hasty lethal damage. as it doesn't cost manna you can probably get an overrun off too (which is also in standard) insuring death despite any amount of blockers. and if you'r worried about fog there's plenty of red antifog cards in standard and you're already splashing red for bloodbraid. ... (see all)
Posted By: Gezus82 (12/13/2009 11:18:46 PM)


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