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"Gods don't die. They merely slumber." Something I plan to prove wrong.
-Gideon Jura
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/2/2011 2:26:33 PM)


How can you be bored when you suffer at the hands of Doom Blade and play this?
Its ****ing hilarious!
Posted By: Exclaimer999 (3/17/2011 12:33:17 AM)


like this card. When u have a lot of cheap creatures (like tokens or so) this is óne good bomb. +1/+1 and flying may appear dead bad compared to indestructibility, but they come réally handy: flying = almost unblockable when u have many tokens (or so) and since tokens mostly are 1/1, this doubles their destructive effect!
Posted By: fanofmagic (4/30/2011 11:16:29 AM)


Awakening Zone is good, Dominus of Fealty is better. I can't believe no one has suggested it already. I'll bet if you can keep DoF alive you'll win before you have to sacrifice one of your own creatures.
Posted By: SwordOfKaldra (5/14/2011 5:39:39 AM)


Reassembling Skeleton anyone?
Posted By: MarilynMonroe (8/7/2011 12:31:41 PM)


The awkward moment when you realize this was made in Zendikar and not Rise of the Eldrazi.

Anyways, good card.
Posted By: Gaffy00 (9/24/2011 8:09:34 PM)


Great card. I use this in a knight deck with 3 Hero of Bladeholds in it. Once this hits the field i can attack every turn to replenish my supply of token creatures.
Posted By: Ulixes_Pyr (10/22/2011 4:40:28 PM)


Seriously, why has Mycoloth only been mentioned ONCE in this forum? The king of token generators, and JarathWulfenstein is the only other person whose thought of him?

If I had the money, I'd start investing in three or four of these for the Jund deck that I built for my youngest brother (Along with some Nest Invaders to replace the Sprouting Thrinaxes, Brood Birthing to trade up from Spore Burst, Growth Spasms to toss out the Nature Charms, and Awakening Zones as an improvement to Necrogenesis... not even having enough money to get Christmas presents for my brothers sucks), after my younger brother (I have two younger brothers) insisted that the three Coat of Arms be removed. Though wrecking faces with an armada of 24 24/24 saprolings when I was still testing the deck was always... (see all)
Posted By: DaMaster012 (12/17/2011 4:19:23 PM)


I'm pretty sure none of us knew what to expect or what was being foreshadowed when this card was released. Good God we were so unprepared for the Rise.
Posted By: Goatllama (2/3/2012 8:52:43 AM)


@Flyheight: Lol, you're only right if they play march and the lattice before this card otherwise as creatures they already have the +1/+1 boost from the monument, people often make the mistake you're referring to as demonstrated on those card's pages
Posted By: imsully2 (6/6/2012 11:53:28 PM)


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