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I'm not sure if it would be any good, but it seems like there would be potential to abuse this in Standard with Grand Architect, Treasure Mage, and The One-Shot Robot.
Posted By: The_Trendkill (7/11/2011 6:42:14 AM)


This seems like it could get out of hand with a Grand Architect powering it.
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (7/7/2011 10:40:34 PM)


If you see this on your opponent's side of the battlefield, you do not want to let it survive. Shenanigans will ensue. Definitely one of the premier fattie-cheapeners in the game.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/3/2012 12:14:10 PM)


My favorite Blue card in Standard
Posted By: Groucho_Marx (7/13/2011 12:25:21 PM)


Well, that flavor text makes no gorram sense in context with what the card does. Nice to see this one again, though.
Posted By: SirMalkin (7/7/2011 3:54:59 PM)


@ mutantman

It's all about perception & distinction. When you look at the moon when it's dawn, it looks rather large due to the fact your sizing it up with the horizon. But when it gets between 2-4 a.m. it looks pretty dinky with the nights veil. Take a half dollar, but it up to your face & see if it looks big to your or not and than set it down ;)

I also have a legality Q: Can you use this to cast Myr Superion?
Posted By: Korbl (7/14/2011 6:58:25 AM)


This card should NOT be in Standard.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (5/5/2012 12:23:36 PM)


I'll take an Ulamog or Emrakul on turn 4, thank you very much!

(this is after ramping this out turn 3. I'm sure you could do it turn 2, though)
Posted By: WateryMind (7/7/2011 7:47:00 PM)


I used to run a deck with 4x Elvish Piper 4x Thousand-year Elixir, however the problem was that it was largely too inconsistent, even in casual. Summoning trap and Mana reflection were far more consistent in either finding emrakul/ulamog in my top 7 or just hard casting them.

This will suffer from the same issue, you either have the amulet and all support cards or useless fatties and no amulet. Even as a 1x thrown in to smooth out a curve, it'll still either come too late or too early for it to be useful.
Posted By: sniper_ix (7/31/2011 11:00:09 AM)


Blightsteel Colossus says hi.
Posted By: Deco_y (7/7/2011 9:23:18 PM)


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