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BAMF. End of discussion
Posted By: dsdnova (7/11/2013 7:39:23 PM)


Hidden Strings and affordable duel lands make this much much easier to play. All of the sudden he's castable on T6 with no acceleration, and you only need a single B U and R to get him out.

With mana producing artifacts/fixing it becomes even easier.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/17/2013 9:31:12 AM)


I can't wait to use this card.


I built an amazing deck around this guy. So worth it. The mana is based around Sol Rings, Chromatic Lanterns, and Gem of Becoming. I use Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas as early as turn 2 to start grabbing my artifacts. I also run blue, black, and red artifact lands, a couple swamps, islands, and mountains, and two Blood Crypts. I use Augur of Bolas opposite of Tezzy to get spells when I need them. I usually try to net one of my Lim-Dul's Vaults and then sweep through my whole deck for Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. I use Mishra, Artificer Prodigy to double the output, and combo Tezzeret's -2 ability to turn an artifact land in to a 5/5, sac it, draw the five cards that I put to the top with Lim-Dul's Vault. Kinda just keep repeating this process until Bolas drops. Usually right before he hits... (see all)
Posted By: Cygore (7/22/2013 1:34:41 PM)


Mono green mana ramp with this guy as win condition...IT'S SO CRAZY IT MIGHT JUST WORK!!!!!!!

okay maybe not mono green, but prime green elves, a playset of Gem of Becomings, a couple Blood Crypts, Watery Graves and Steam Vents with the rest Forests and you're set. Maybe a Gilded Lotus and some Verdant Havens for additional mana and it's doable.
Posted By: Kadaver666 (8/23/2013 11:08:53 AM)


@JarieSuicune: damaging a planeswalker always removes loyalty counters, regardless of whether it's also a creature. Rule 119.3 states "damage may have one or more of the following results". 119.3c says that planeswalkers lose loyalty and 119.3e says creatures get damage, and if you're both, you get both. So in your example, Bolas takes 10 damage and loses 10 loyalty, and is then destroyed.
Posted By: Haywood (8/27/2013 10:37:43 PM)


Absolute favorite planeswalker the guy is a dominating force as soon as he hits the field. I run him in my Progenitus EDH deck and one of my favorite instances with this guy was a one on one game I had him and his bestest buddy Karn liberated out turn 5 the guy scooped a couple turns after.
Posted By: flare1122 (8/30/2013 10:43:39 AM)


I played a casual game with my friend using him. I destroyed his permanents until he had o ly seven permanents and seven cards in his hand ^^ I decided to use his Ultimate, but my friend scooped the instant he saw it. He refuses to play with me ever again.
Posted By: Samfu (9/4/2013 8:37:12 PM)



Clearly Nicol Bolas is Japanese
Posted By: jonrds (9/9/2013 8:21:19 AM)


Did he see any play in this standard?

4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (9/27/2013 9:37:55 AM)


I agree with flare1122 that this guy is a dominating force as soon as he hits the battlefield. However, I must also note that having tried to play this guy many, many times, I've always won the game immediately without using any of his abilities that very turn almost every time I've ever resolved him. They call this a 'win more' card, as in "You're already going to win, so why not just win more?" That said, this guy is pretty useless unless you are using a really aggressive ramp strategy or some type of reanimator strategy. Unfortunately, Planeswalker Reanimator wasn't really a deck this past year in Standard. I never needed this guy, even when I got him in sealed. Big time coolness factor though. I really, really, really wanted him to be good, but he's just way too expensive.
Posted By: Opeth2010 (10/7/2013 3:33:15 AM)


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