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Community Rating: 4.156 / 5  (77 votes)
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Better than 10th edition art?! Are you ***in cracked?! What the hell is wrong with you dolts?
Posted By: MICKEY.KNOX (4/24/2013 7:52:13 AM)


The fact that this can blast planeswalkers is already something to take into consideration if you have access to all five colors of mana. With some help from mana acceleration, you could have this online pretty early, and shoot indestructibles, creatures with protection from colors, and other hard-to-remove threats at will. Note that it does not even tap to use its ability: the more mana you've got, the more things you can zap every turn. Something like Mana Flare would be allowing you to zap two things for the five lands you're tapping.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/26/2013 7:05:25 AM)


Your most likely going to have to tap out and start firing the next turn, but it is a game changer when its online and set up. 5/5
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/24/2013 4:13:55 AM)


Legacy Weapon, the last best hope for Dominaria, is strictly not used in Legacy
Posted By: Umbric (11/13/2013 8:38:21 AM)


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