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When wishing, red mages have a 35.98% chance of summoning Djinn Grabby who, upon materializing, proceeds to grope the wisher for a period proportionate to the difficulty of their wish. This is the primary reason why Jaya Ballard, Jhoira, and Chandra rely on skill rather than 'instant' solutions. Squee on the other hand wishes quite a lot....... you get lonely being immortal.
Posted By: Goatllama (8/28/2012 5:26:07 AM)


Dear Salient-

Three Wishes are granted,
Big Wishes and Small- but if you Wish a Fourth
You'll lose them all!

(We're unrestricting it because one isn't enough to be Bad. Abuse the priviledge and we'll take it right back. You've been warned)-WOTC
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/20/2012 10:36:14 PM)


Burning Wish = 8 rite of flames

Posted By: mccraryp (1/17/2013 1:23:44 PM)


Interesting that this is the one that's banned. I get that it's the cheapest and that Sorceries are often win-conditions (I'm looking at you Tendrils of Agony), but I wish I knew why this was worse than say; Brain Freeze and Cunning Wish, or Death Wish with Tendrils (which is actually in color..)

Maybe it was Dragonstorm..? That would make a lot of sense actually..
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/8/2013 10:37:21 AM)


Shoulda wished for some pants.
Posted By: psychichobo (4/17/2013 3:44:04 PM)


I when i got done reading this card i just started laughing
Posted By: Jake4U (2/9/2014 12:14:49 PM)


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