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Community Rating: 2.914 / 5  (64 votes)
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I like it. I'll run it in my Wizard Tribal EDH deck with Damia, Sage of Stone as the general. He'll help get lands out of my hand to draw more with Damia, he's a Wizard that I can tap with Azami, Lady of Scrolls, and he's not totally squishy.
Posted By: Kelptic183 (12/20/2011 9:15:15 PM)


This card is useful for a deck that makes heavy use of your graveyard to summon creatures (i.e. Entomb + Reanimate or Animate Dead) because drawing those cards that you ideally want to Entomb makes them invalid targets for Entomb.
Posted By: DeaTh-ShiNoBi (12/21/2011 5:23:43 AM)



The real tragedy in design here is that this card is almost strictly inferior to a seldom played, underpowered uncommon from an underpowered set - Stronghold Rats. At least with Stronghold Rats, you get an actual body that can attack, and you get an extra draw step and main phase before you have to decide what to discard. With this one, you allow your opponent to be the last one with a main phase before he discards, and the body just sort of sits there like a sign from devs that reads "We were afraid that this card would be overpowered or unfun, so here it is as a creature so you can kill it." He borrowed the sign from Hokori, Dust Drinker, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV and a bunch of other cards people seldom attack with.

All because devs thought that discard - a mechanic that hasn't been the main thrust of a tournament worthy deck in 12 years - was too powerful. Reverse power-creep FTL.
Posted By: Justice1337 (4/7/2012 7:14:04 PM)


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