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3 Eldrazi Spawn tokens per turn.
Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (6/9/2010 6:25:52 PM)


Tied best of the ROE creature-token generators with Nest Invader. Gives red a helpful 3 chump block stall when needed.
Posted By: Tinkerermcmuffin (6/15/2010 8:15:10 PM)


I have found a good way to abuse this in Limited. Ka-nice!
Posted By: lukemol (4/18/2010 1:53:50 PM)


My friend uses this card in his eldrazi deck and we are confused about the ruling.
If a second Emrakul's Hatcher comes into play and provides its three tokens, will it trigger the effect of the first Emrakul's Hatcher a second time, thus creating a total of sixadditional tokens, or will it only provide its three as stated when its casted.

So would the field have a total of nine tokens when the second one is casted, or only a total of six?
Posted By: Char862 (6/6/2011 6:10:27 PM)


almost as good as siege-gang commander
Posted By: Gezus82 (5/8/2010 12:56:16 PM)


Kicking a Rite of Replication on him nets you 5 3/3s and 15 spawn, so have fun watching your opponents concede when you drop Emrakul.
Posted By: NecroticNobody (3/27/2011 2:25:08 PM)


well, once you can get him out, he's basically a 3/3 for 2. But costing 5 to begin with makes him kinda worthless, as a 3/3 dosnt make much of a difference turn 5. I never really like using eldrazi spawn for mana axel, they just don't seem very efficient, and when someone kills/counters your eldrazi, you cant cast another one. Elves work much better for getting out eldrazi.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (3/27/2011 5:25:12 PM)


If you're playing eldrazi and red is in there (which I'm guessing it is) then this card is a staple. So get some.. DUDE. Or leave it out and lose the battle, then offer up a card called "emrakuls curse" as a suggestion and peace offering to WotC, it will have a picture of you sitting at the table with your head in your hands crying across from your opponent who's grinning wickidly while Emrakul stands behind them rubbing their shoulders. Yes there's a metaphor here, it's obvious too- Put the hatcher in your deck and you'll hatch Emrakul, he/she (whatever sex Em is, I'm not lifting up it's skirt just to make my sentences shorter), will show it's appreciation by giving you the best backrub you've ever experienced. It'll be orgasmic! But warning: This might have a counter effect of destroying your city and thus you and your opponent as well. Tred lightly, there's always a silver lining.
Posted By: Mike-C (5/1/2011 7:29:59 AM)


@Char862: When a card says "When X enters the battlefield" or some other effect, X being that card's name, it is generally interchangeable with "When this card enters the battlefield."

So three Eldrazi tokens are created when a second Emrakul's Hatcher comes into play, not six.
Posted By: Rendin (10/1/2011 12:31:22 PM)


Kozilek's predator is better, I think, but in all honesty, it's less comparatively better to a similar green card than this is to a green card.
As someone else said, Hill Giant is a 3/3 for 4, and this guy gets you 3 spawn tokens for a measly one more mana.
Kozilek's predator, on the other hand, working off of Centaur Courser, gets only 2 spawn tokens for your 1 mana.
Of course, if they were the same color, I would take the Predator most any day, but that's merely because green gets more efficient creatures.

This guy is great for red, and at common to boot.
Glad to have him on the team, he helps me land Artisan of Kozilek a couple turns earlier.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (3/18/2012 12:28:45 PM)


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