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Community Rating: 2.840 / 5  (50 votes)
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Up and down on this one. For 4 mana total, you have 3 cards out of your deck. Which isn't bad, but I really think for the mana investment it should either go on the battlefield, or pull 2 lands to your hand.

I could see it in a Green deck that cares about artifact count, but other than that it is kinda useless over the many other spells that do similar effects better.

So far not much has stood up to Panic Spellbomb in terms of usefullness (and thats more so for Sac'ing to Kuldotha Rebirth.)
Posted By: SeiberTross (4/15/2011 2:10:53 PM)


Krosan Tusker, without the tusk. And it has to cost one mana more!
Posted By: Gabriel422 (5/22/2011 1:47:51 AM)


In my opinion the worst piece of art in the set. What garish green!
Posted By: ElMikkino (7/2/2011 11:51:16 AM)


Can someone explain to me the point of putting the 'tap' symbol on something like this that sacs itself? I mean, I get it's purpose on artifact creatures and such, but why just artifacts like this? How often are they going to be animated? I know there are ways of animating artifacts, but how often is it going to be animated on your turn?

As for the card itself, it's not bad. I prefer Traveler's Amulet to this since this takes (3G) to get a land and a card (which could very well be another land, which annoys me since I run Armillary Spheres as well), while that one takes (2) to just get a land. If I need a land badly enough, I don't want to waste my time with playing another land just to grab the land I need more.
Posted By: Zielheim (12/14/2011 8:37:00 PM)



Draw before searching is critical I found when playtesting a deck with Enlightened Tutor.
Enlightened, Personal, Mystical, Vampiric, Sylvan, ... now get that thing you top-decked and go for a land while you're in there.
Posted By: Shapter (2/8/2012 11:30:57 AM)


While it's far from being a bad card, the fact that it's just for fetching lands is rather underwhelming. For 3, I better be dropping them into play.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/23/2012 7:16:43 AM)


Why is this rated lower than Wayfarer's Bauble? It does the same thing(for the same price) and more!
Posted By: NickDay (7/17/2012 5:48:24 PM)


Outside of green I'd prefer Expedition Map or Wayfarer's Bauble. Within green I'd prefer Yavimaya Elder (costs {G} more to fetch an extra land and either eat a removal spell or chump block something that doesn't have trample).
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (6/25/2013 5:16:01 PM)


Wayfarer's Bauble was alright, but not so powerful that they couldn't have made this a strictly better version.
The bauble was based on Rampant Growth, so if we only get a Lay the Land effect with this spellbomb, they should have reduced the cost to 1 accordingly.

Or they could have removed the basic land requirement to make it like Sylvan Scrying, but then it'd be strictly better than Expedition Map, which is arguably even better than an improved Wayfarer's Bauble.
Posted By: Mode (10/1/2013 4:55:10 AM)


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